Meeting Kim

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Thenext morning Christian woke up at 7am. Megan fed them Joseph changedthem and Megan pumped then got on the floor with Joseph and the twinsand they played with the twins. They went to eat breakfast around9am. Megan got a phone call at 9:15am from Cadence making sure shewas still watching the twins. She said she'd be there about 10:30am.They played with the twins until 9:45am then Megan went to change,pump and put her makeup on. Joseph got dressed then went back out toplay with the twins.

Cadencegot there at 10:15am and Joseph explained, "Christian eats firstat 11am then Haley is fed after he is done. They both get changedafter that then put down for their nap and they sleep until theirnext feeding at 3pm. Can you stay until about 6pm today or do youhave to leave?" "I can stay" Cadence said. "Okay.Thank you" Joseph said. She said no problem and they saidgoodbye then kissed the twins on the head and left.

Theywent to the studio. When they got inside they warmed up with everyoneelse and waited for Janet to get there. Once she got there she hadthem go through the set twice. They left and went home to shower.When they got home Cadence looked surprised to see them. "Wehave to take a shower and leave again. We have somewhere to be by4pm" Megan said. "Oh okay. I was just confused"Cadence said. Megan and Joseph went and took their shower. Megan gotdone first and got dried and dressed. Then she tied her hair back anddid her makeup. When she was done, Joseph was ready and brushed andbraided her hair. It was 3:30pm so they left.

Theymet the girl in the parking lot of Walmart. They got there early andsat in the car until they saw the Mustang. They got out and Josephgrabbed Megan's hand as they waited for her to park. She pulled intothe spot right next to them. She got out with a grin on her face."Hey I know you. You're Megan Jones from the Baby Dolls right?"Kim said. She shook Megan's hand. "Yes, Kim. Nice to meet you.This is my fiance, Joseph." Kim shook his hand and said, "Niceto meet you. I have a teenage nephew and niece, twins, and they bothlove you guys." "Well thank you" Megan said thenpointed at the car, "May we?" Kim nodded and said, "Ofcourse." Megan went and popped the hood then checked the fluids.

Theylooked at every detail of the car then Joseph asked, "Has itever been in an accident?" "No. The car has been in myfamily since it was new. It has never had any problems" Kimsaid. "Why are you selling it and does it have any kind ofleaks?" Joseph asked. "No leaks and I need the money to payoff student loans" Kim said. Megan piped in from under the hoodand asked, "Can we test drive it?" Kim said, "As longas I go with you." They all got in the car with Megan driving.She checked the acceleration, brakes and felt the suspension. Whenthey parked, Megan said she wanted to talk to Joseph for a minute.

Theywent and sat in the Mercedes and talked about the car. They bothagreed it was a good one and they wanted it. They got out of the carand Megan said, "Okay we definitely want the car." "Okay.Would it be too much to ask for a favor?" Kim said. Megan said,"You can ask. I don't know if we can do it but you should neverbe afraid to ask." Kim asked, "Sunday is the twins'fourteenth birthday. I was wondering if I could get an autograph fromyou and the girls?" "That would be fine. What are theirnames? Do either of them like Backstreet Boys too?" Megan said.

"Yesthey are obsessed with both groups. Their names are Danielle andDamian. When you guys were here in Orlando last year they wanted togo but the tickets were sold out." "Why don't we meet heretomorrow at the same time and I'll have two autographed copies of theCD and the money for the car. I might even be able to swing a copy ofthe boys' CD too. I have your number and I will call you tomorrowmorning to confirm" Megan said. Kim looked ecstatic and said,"Thank you" then left.

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