Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Things change, time passes. But I would of never have guessed the dead would start walking. People die of old age, not of being torn apart from a flesh eating, oozing red blood monster.

I was just a girl, Kaylie Reynolds. My mother was a nurse, my brother was just the funny guy. We had that "perfect" family. Yeah, the ones that go to church every Sunday, then go home to and eat chocolate chip pancakes together. Except my father was a lunatic, so my parents split.

Ever since then, we were a wreck. We stopped going to church, we didn't even have pancake batter in the pantry anymore. Just my fathers name caused my mother to lock her bedroom door for days. She tend to be happy, but we all had the pain and betrayal of him.

My mother died, never came home from work the day we first experienced the things. My brother, Daniel, had taking care of me while we were in a group.

Our group was smart, fast, and safe. But when a herd comes, nothing can stop that. Daniel is probably dead for who knows what, along with everyone else.

After the herd, I was on my own. Let me tell you, that was the best thing that could of happened to me. No one telling you what to do, don't need to care about other people.

Now here I am, stuck in a hotel room. If only I could still get room service. I paced back and forth in the room, debating whether to go out today. I need to survive, I thought to myself. I grabbed my blade and reached for the door.

Outside the room, was just a blood covered hall. I marched down the stairs, wishing elevators still worked.

Down in the lobby, laid the few dead biters of custodians and staff.

I pushed the door to the outside slowly, not drawing attention to myself. In the streets, few biters roamed around. I sprinted through the holes in their groups easily.

In town, I stopped at the market first. I shoved cereal boxes into my duffle bag silently.

A box of Cheerios fell on the floor, and I could feel my brain cringe. A few moans and stumbles came in my direction. I quickly turned and grabbed a jar of jelly, throwing it a few aisles away. A crash of the glass hitting the ground distracted the biters to the other side.

I quickly zipped by bag up, after I looted the store. I dashed to the exit, making sure I wasn't being followed.

Next stop was the Pharmacy. The door was unlocked, which was strange. I gently pushed the door with the tip of my boot.

The small bell jingled at the top which alarmed me. I took out my gun, ready for any biters.

To my surprise, absolutely none. I was beginning to become suspicious, but continued with my task. I unzipped my bag and slid everything I could find into it.

I noticed the sun would be setting soon, so I started to prep to go, but something stopped me unexpectedly. A gun to the back of my head.

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