Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Third person POV

The group stood in the rain, as Maggie dug up the grave for her sister, Beth.

"Here, let me give you-" Glenn was cut off.

"I'm fine." Maggie sighed. "It's done."

Rick and Tyreese carried the body out and placed it into the hole in the earth.

Everyone gathered around the circle and said a few things.

"Beth, you weren't just my sister, you were my best friend. If Daddy could see you now, he would be so proud of his little girl. Make sure to say hello to everyone up there. I'm going to miss ya so much. I-I love you." She cried out.

Daryl took a step forward, "You were a good person. We need people like you, Beth, to be livin'. The other ones, well let 'em rot in hell. Aye, tell Merle, if you see him up there," He laughed, "his little brother says hi."

Carl, who woke up from unconsciousness, said a few words about Beth, and how she was always there for him.

"You were like my older sister. I could never ask for anything more from you. Judith is sure going to miss you."

He walked back to Kaylie's side, carefully, not ready to get injured again. The two bowed their heads down in pure sadness.

Rick spoke, "I believe in God, Jesus Christ. I know He's sorta been missin' for a while, but Beth, you never had another thought. Hershel and your mother raised you well. You deserve the best."

Kaylie made her way to look at the body.

"Beth wasn't just a part of this group, she was family. She was like my own sister. She was light, guiding us throughout the dark. Without her, we won't be able to find our way. But I promised her to be as strong as I can. We all have to in order to survive. Put everything in the past, and keep moving. Making decisions isn't always what I'm good at. Beth showed me that there is always a light side, and a dark side to everything. Before I do something, I think of Beth now. She once told me living was a privilege. I just want to say I'm sorry for taking that privilege away. I am going to live till I die of old age, for you Beth. I'll miss you."

Others spoke words of kindness around the lifeless body.

Glenn squeezed Maggie's shoulders and grabbed the shovel. He and Daryl were now shoveling what was now mud, over the body.

Everyone heading back into the cabins. Rick took notice of the atmosphere and spoke up.

"I know it seems like we've lost everything, but we still have each other. I don't know how long it'll last, so it makes sense to cherish every moment. When I lost Lori, I was angry. I was mad at everyone, and most importantly myself. That was a mistake. We are on a team here and I let you people down. I don't want any of that to happen again. Everyone get some rest, tomorrow's a big day."

On that note, everyone headed off. After about 5 minutes of footsteps and constant doors shutting, the land fell silent.

As Rick was walking up the stairs, he spotted his son at the table playing around with a deck of cards.

"Carl?" Rick said coming back down.


"What are you doing up? You need to rest, especially after these past few days."

"I just, it's nothing." He sighed.

"Tell me what's going on, son."

He fidgeted around in his seat before he spoke.

"I-Do you ever feel like you failed to do everything?"

"Only a millions times a day." I
Rick smiled. "When Mom died, I couldn't help but blame myself. I pushed her to keep the baby and it ended up killing her. The worst part is what you had to do. I'd never forgive myself. Or the time when you got shot, Mom didn't want you to come with Shane and I. I failed to keep you guys safe. I always think about what I could of done better. When Sophia ran from the walkers, I coulda grabbed Daryl to come with me. She could be alive right now. My mind always wanders to one situation in particular; The Governor. If we managed to make peace, or get rid of him quicker, we might of just still been at the prison right now. Hershel would be alive right now, Beth and Bob wouldn't have died. But we wouldn't have found Carol again. We wouldn't even know who Kaylie Reynolds is. When someone brings me a time machine, I'm gonna pass. The thing is son, you can't fight the inevitable. You have to live with it."

Carl's eyes flickered up to his dad.

"I never blamed you for any of that. O know I've been a dick lately, but-"

Rick eyed Carl shaking his head.

Carl let out a laugh, "Sorry, I've been a 'butt', you deserve more than you get from us."

"I'm happy with what I have. Just remember, you're always gonna be that little boy sitting at the table eating those terrific pancakes Mom made. You've just grown up. I can't call you a boy no more. You are a man, Carl. You are gonna have a lot of responsibility now. I know you can handle it, I can't imagine anything less from you. You have freedom, but use it wisely. Don't be stupid, again, and getting girls pr-"

"Night Dad." Carl cut him off.

Rick laughed, "What am I going to do with you. Well get some rest. Night, son."

Rick got up and made his way up stairs.

Carl grabbed a blanket and headed to the couches.

"Kaylie?" He whispered to the girl on the couch.

She turned a little and groaned.

"What Carl?" She yawned.

"This is the only couch, and I'm not sleeping on the floor." He laughed.

She flickered her hand around signaling him to get lost.

He scooped her up and laid her against the wall.

"It's a sofa-bed, smarty." He grinned.

"Mine." She mumbled with her eyes closed.

Carl undid the sofa and placed Kaylie back on the now bed.

He plopped down next to her.

Her hands trailed up to his arm, "Don't leave, please."

"I promise." He kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms around her.

When he thought she was asleep, he spoke.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could take it all away. We'll get through this, together. It's never too late."

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