Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Daryl's POV

As everyone fell asleep, I gathered myself and Glenn to keep an eye out in the creeps. We stayed crouched down just about the tree line ended. Light omitted from a campfire in the center.

"Listen." Glenn commanded.

In the distance, we heard faint voices.

"Stupid!" Came from deep voice.

"They know now!" Said a women.

"We are outnumbered and running low on food." A angered voice yelled.

A small voice, "We can take them out 1 by 1."

"We don't have much options." The deep voice came again.

I cursed under my breath, "Let's go Rhee."

Rick's POV

Our camp flooded with light. Every body was up. Glenn and Daryl were missing.

"Maybe the watchers got them," Bob paused, "so we should go check out their camp.

"No, not yet."

In the distance, Carl stood watching perimeter.

"Everyone listen up!" I called.

Once all attention was on me, I started talking.

"I've decided we are going to send out a group to see if they are with the other camp. If they aren't there, we mean no harm. A group around 5 to 6 sounds-"

A rustle from the bushes erupted.

"I got this." Carl muttered getting his knife out.

"Carl." Kaylie and I said at the exact moment. We exchanged a glance for her to keep an eye on him.

"Ok, Michonne, Tyreese, Carol-" I halted to the voices.

"I ain't no walker, Grimes!" Daryl yelled.

Daryl and Glenn emerged from the trees flushed.

"They are going to take us out 1 by 1." Glenn spoke up.

I spoke my head, "Daryl?"

"True, overheard 'em talkin'. I recommend the 'buddy system'." He muttered, then taking a glance at Carol.

"Ok, everyone is going to need a buddy to go around with for safety." I recited.

"Where's Kaylie?" Carl asked.

"Went to go take a piss right after ya almost tried to shoot me." Daryl said with a toothpick in his mouth.

"I'll go check on her." Maggie said.

"It's fine, I-" Carl was interrupted by Maggie.

"No you ain't honey." Maggie said sternly walking towards the trees.

"Ok, well get as much rest tonight, we are leaving early morning. Remember to stay in pairs."

Everyone seemed to find a friend or 2 to tag along with. I nodded towards Glenn who was standing alone.

"I'll be fine, Rick. I'll stay with Maggie if that's better."

"That'd make me feel bett-"

"Rick!" Maggie yelled, sprinting back from the forest.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I questioned.

"They took her."

I raised my eyebrow, confused, then remembering Kaylie went off alone.

"Shit." I cursed.

"This was left." Maggie handed me a piece of cardboard, with words written in blood, 'Next is her hand' with a detached finger.

hey guys!!!! I hope you like this one. sorry I haven't been updating I've been so busy. schools almost out so I'll be updating a lot more. AND THIS FIRDAY!! Tfios comes out!!! and it's my birthday but honestly I'm more excited about the movie!! well anyways love you all :) xx

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