Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

It felt like I was running, running to nowhere. My life is a living hell. Every turn, every stop, always ruined everything.

I slowed down as I approached her house, making my presence unknown. I grabbed my gun, and carefully peeked through the window. The house was pitch black. I snuck up into the porch, trying my best for the wooden floorboards not to creak. I reached out for the handle, and surprisingly twisted it open. I peered around, but I couldn't see a damn thing.

The only thing I could hear was the rain shooting at the house. I slipped into the kitchen looking for a lantern. I stopped in my tracks, when I heard a footstep somewhere behind me.

"What are you doing?" She said.

I turned around, "Don't act stupid." I growled through my teeth.

"I don't know what you are talking about." She smirked. I kicked her in the stomach, getting my leverage. I grabbed the denim of her hood, and dragged her outside.

I trudged through the snow, pulling her with me. I reached the gate and I swung her in front of me.

"I'll give you an option; Leave or die."

"I guess you'll have to kill me. Hurry, you don't want your friend see you kill someone innocent." She mocked at me.

"You are no where near innocent." I growled.

She stood motionless in front of me, staring down.

"I'll just be on my way now." She turned her back to me, I cautiously gripped my gun, as she fiddled with the locks.

"Any day now." I said with an edge to my voice. She slipped the locks off and tossed them to the ground.

The gates slid apart from each other, "I hope you know y'all are going to die at one point or another."

"There's still hope for-" I was cut off by bullets shooting.

"Behind the cars!" I yelled to her.

I grabbed my gun, slowly steadied it, searching for the shooters.

"Don't go the van, they'll get you for sure." I whispered over to Skye. She stood up, taking a step forward, getting out of the shielded area of the car.

"Are you crazy!" I yelled. She started sprinting into the forest, but only seconds after I saw her fall to the ground. I shut my eyes, shaking the image out of my head. I reloaded my gun, and peaked up. In the distance, there was a man with red hair accompanied by a older man with grayish hair.

I breathed slowly in and out, and fired. I saw the man with red hair step back. Damn, just wasted a good bullet. I got his arm pierced. I shriveled up against the jeep, shoveling the snow away.

From a distance, I heard low grumbles. I grabbed my knife, and peeked on the other side of the car. Walkers. I needed to get back in and shut the gates, which was a suicidal mission. I sat back, thinking of all my options.

1) Kill them off.

2) Make a run for it.

3) Sneak up behind them through the forest.

4) Get in the car.

5) Wait here and wait for shit to happen.

Daryl, luckily came running out with the group. I heard Daryl's arrow sling back, shooting forward.

"Bullseye." He muttered.

I turned to my right, only to reveal a herd. I rushed through my bag looking for any bullets. I kept track on the walkers as I looked for anything useful. I got my knife, and peeked up. The older man was still there, fighting to avoid the piercings. I got into a crouch, and sprinted for the gate. At the last second, I dove face down into the snow.

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