Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Carl's POV

I snuck my way around the camp looking for this cabin. A few laughs erupted from the camp.

There outside the cabin, sat 2 middle-aged women drinking.

"I bet 20 dollars!" One slurred.

"I don't even have money... Wait I have my credit card!" She said as she didn't have a clue this was the apocalypse.

A plan popped inside of my head. I walked out in front of the ladies.

"Hello." I simply said.

They had dazed look among their faces.

"Do you have a dollar? I'm short on a case of beer from... uh Alcohol Village."

"There's one in town?" They said standing up.

"Yeah, just straight down the forest path. You'll find it. Bright lights." I laughed to myself.

"Thank you! Here have a dollar!" She said throwing a piece of cardboard. Lucky me, the cardboard had a key strung through it.

I watched as they stumbled back and forth towards the tree line helplessly. I felt sorta bad, but hey, they are with the people that took Kaylie. Once they were out of sight, I went up to the door. Inserted the key, twisted the handle silently, and opened the door.

The room was dark. I felt around for something anywhere. I stopped when I heard deep breathing.

"Kaylie?" I called out.

I turned around in a split second and saw a walker speared through a bed pole. I grabbed my knife and ended it. I turned on my flashlight and saw movement from the corner of the room.

There in the corner she was shivering, alone, covered in blood.

"Oh my- Kaylie are you okay?" I said stroking her face.

She immediately flinched from my touch. I was hurt, but shook it off.

"Talk to me, please."

She turned towards me, her eyes murky and lost. She seemed so inhuman, like she was some creature. Her wrist were dripping blood, her beautiful face had so many cuts, and she had scratches
all over herself.

"Are you cold?"

She just starred at the floor. I shook off my jacket, and slowly wrapped it around her.

"I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" I whispered gently.

Slowly, I put my arms around her and ignored the fact she was tense. I swooped her up and walked towards the door.

Outside, the ladies weren't back yet. I checked around before I sprinted out.

I made it to the tree line, but they I heard the screaming.

"I want my son!" My dad screamed with a gun pointed at them. Daryl looked around for a quick escape. He looked in my direction, so I tried to catch his attention. He nodded towards me and was instantly frightened to see what I was carrying.

He walked up to my dad and whispered something in his ear. My dad backed off the men and started walking away.

"Where y'all going? We aren't done yet." He smiled.

He nodded towards his friends and they ran out with a bag.

"We have her arm." He laughed.

I quickly examined Kaylie again, and all her parts with still there.

"Liar." Daryl called. I immediately felt my heart pound for Hershel.

"What?" The man said.

"I know she's fine, want to know how I know?"

The man nodded.

"We have her with us, dumbass."

Right before Daryl punched him, screams flared throughout the forest. One women ran back alone.

"Herd! Bigger than I've ever seen!" She screamed.

"Shut up!" They all yelled at her.

She had a giant bite on her arm.

The head man shook his head and shot her.

"Let's go! Now!" My dad yelled.

Just before my eyes, blood-thirsty walkers emitted from the trees. I sprinted to where we drove the cars here.

"Carl, drive! Get her out of here! Go to the closest town east. Take this." My had said handing me a compass and keys to the jeep.

"Where do I go?" I said panicking.

"Those little cabins by the river where Lori always wanted to go." He said as if he was talking to no one.

"Go there. I'll send most people that way an a few of us will move the herd a different path."


"Go son!" He yelled.

He quickly embraced me and raced off along next to Daryl.

I opened the passenger door, got Kaylie in and ran to the driver's seat. I took a long deep breath and started the car.

I remembered all the tips my dad have told me, keep your foot steady, always ready to hit the break.

I grabbed the compass and starred at it.

East. Here we go.

"Let's go." I said and drove off into the night sky.

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