Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"And this is the dining area. We usually eat three hours before sunset, everyday." Douglas stopped at a circular shaped building.

"Nice set up you have here," Rick spoke,"What do you think, Carl?"

Carl mumbled something, and shrugged. He'd been acting like this the whole time.

"You can join us, or not. If you do, it won't just be simple. You'll have to contribute."

"We'll give it a try, but we need to talk some things over." Rick straightened.

"Great, we can talk now. My son can settle your people in."

"I don't know... I think we should stick together." I stated.

A tall boy, maybe around 17 or 18, came running by.

"Spencer!" Douglas called.

The boy walked over, "Yeah?"

"I'd like you to meet the new addition. This is Spencer, my son." He added.

"I'm Spencer Monroe." He shook Rick's hand.

"Rick Grimes, it's a pleasure."

"Now son, can you get them all settled in? I'm going to talk with Rick for a while in my office."

"Okay." Spencer nodded.

Rick walked off hesitantly with Douglas.

Spencer smiled at me, "Don't worry, you can trust us, and we can trust you."

"Fucking lies." Carl gritted his teeth. I wanted to agree, but I didn't want to automatically hate everyone man I see.

Spencer frowned, "Just... Follow me."


"So how are we going to divide up?" I asked.

"Myself, Michonne, Sasha, Carol, Kaylie, Judith, Mika and Lizzie can take this house. We can watch the children." Maggie put out there.

"Rick, Daryl, Carl, Tyreese, and Glenn can get the other." She added.

"Hell no, if we are going to stay here, I want to choose where I go." Carl waved off her idea.

"The genders are spit up, it might make it easier to-" Spencer was cut off.

"Who do you think you are? Get the fuck out of our shit." Carl snapped.

"Carl." I tugged on his arm, hard. Spencer was just a teenager, harmless. Hopefully.

His eyes pierced through me, like he was looking at nothing.

"I'll take Judith, and well get, um, set up?" Maggie said as of it was a question.

I stood facing Carl, waiting for the group to get inside.

Spencer stood nearby, not sure of to go somewhere else, or watch the freak show about to happen.

Carl was the first to speak.

"We shouldn't be here." He tripped on his words.

"We don't have many options. We can't just stay out there, forever. Our group is bigger than many who travel. We have small children. We have your baby sister!"

"Half-sister." He snapped.

I knew the story about how nobody was really sure who was Judith's father, but most of the time, we just said it was Rick.

I ran my fingers through my hair.

"She's still related to you." I said more hushed.

"We can't stay here." He repeated.

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