Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Bad blood by Bastille came on soo it explains like this whole chapter since my hands took over and typed this.

Kaylie's POV

Yes, I am alive, but in the most deadly way possible. Things have been rough. It's like I've been trapped in a time paradox where I keep reliving the same moment over again.

Now I've just came face to face with my father, who's been MIA since I was like 5 years old.

He would "try" to call on birthdays, but honestly, when he called 2 weeks late because he was drunk the actually day, it's not anything special. The funny thing is he called for money, and it happened to be my brother's birthday the other day.

The thing I will remember the most is his face, how shocked to see that I was alive, that I didn't die that easily like my own mother, and most importantly, he was the one scared of me now.

"Why don't you put that down now.." He said very slowly getting up from Carl.

"That's the bitch." James said clueless.

I pointed the gun straight as James and shot him. My dad jumped back in terror.

"Long time no see. How 'bout a hug?" He asked nervously.

I put the gun down and took a glance at Carl. He looked so pale and betrayed as I walked up to my father.

He opened up his arms and I returned the gesture. The thing is, I still had my knife.

"You are so stupid." I laughed.

"Huh?" He said about to pull back but it was to late.

His screech was like heaven to my ears. I ripped my knife from his back.

"You stabbed me in the back as a kid, so I did, too now. Literally."

His face was so horrified. "I didn't raise you like this."

That's when I snapped.

"You didn't raise me at all."

I grabbed the knife from his back, and held in tears as I grabbed the gun.

I froze in the moment; is this really what I want?

"You can't do it," He laughed, "you always were weak."

"I guess you didn't stick around long enough to know."

"Know what?" He said in pain.

"I'm not you're little girl, anymore. In fact, I never was." The gun shot rang throughout the dark.

I knew some walkers would wander over here, but that wasn't my number one priority.

I wasn't in control anymore. I dragged the 2 dead bodies and kicked them until they fell into the river.

Then I came back to reality.

"I just-" Was all that came out.

My mind surrounded with words, but I couldn't say them.

Monster, killer, psychopath, crazy, unloyal daughter, worst of all, a murderer.

I fell to the grass in tears. I felt my fingers cringe around the strands of grass and yank them out.

I looked over at my gun, and made the decision. I grabbed it, placing it to my head, trying to keep it steady. Soon it would all be over.

Carl's POV

I wish I could erase the things I've seen. I saw the girl I love kill her own father.

I could never hate her. She didn't listen to me, but she saved my life. I was in pain, but alive. My arm felt like it was gone, and my heart felt if it had been ripped out of my chest.

I pushed every bone in my body to get up. I'd wish I hadn't have risen. There she stood, covered in blood, tears streaming down her face, with a gun to her forehead.

"Kaylie." I croaked.

Her head turned rapidly, and she jumped back as I tried to touch her.

"Don't do this." I pleaded her.

"We were born to die." She choked out.

I couldn't stand to see her like this, so emotionally unstable. I quickly snatched the gun from her and hugged her tightly. She loosened after a few moments and relaxed.

I led her inside, where we laid on the couch.

"You were right," She sighed, "We are just monsters."

The literal hole above my heart stung.

"No, we are just broken, and we are never going to be fixable. It's too late for us." I realized.

I guess she was pondering about that, since she didn't respond. My breathing was getting harder and harder, and soon it slowed to a stop at once.

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