Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Kaylie's POV

Right in the head.

I stood with the gun shaking in my hand. Just pulling the trigger drained me. My body slammed to the ground. It was more comfortable than standing.

Carl sprinted over to my side. He scooped me up and held me in his arms.

"I'm a great shot." I mumbled with my eyes closed.

"You have such a sick sense of humor." He walked to Rick who tried chasing the other men.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

"I think so... Probably needs some rest."

Rick nodded. "I'm going to go make sure those guys left for sure and aren't just hiding around."

"Yeah, I'll come along, too. We should leave before it rains." He said looking up to the sky.

It turned to a depressing grey. Carl placed me at the table and handed me his jacket.

I groaned and put it on knowing he wouldn't leave if I didn't.

"I'll be back, just stay here." I nodded knowing he would be only gone for a few minutes or so.

I woke to the sound of crunching leaves on the ground. It had started raining already.

I actually loved the rain. But something broke my happiness. There was a crowd of walkers that was dropped off. A walker bomb?

"Maggie! Tyresse! Michonne! Glenn!" I screamed.

That probably wasn't a good idea. Their heads turned in my direction. I got up and ran as fast as I could. I was running so fast, I didn't realize I ran into someone.

"What's wrong?" Carl asked.

I panted and once I could speak, "Walkers! Someone dropped them here! Someone in our group isn't being honest."

Rick looked at everyone.

"We meet at the highway! Pack up! Glenn, Michonne, Daryl get rid of these ones!" I quickly ran to my tent and grabbed all my things.

I threw them in the car. I helped Beth out with Judith, safely getting her in a car.

The camp was going to become overrun with walkers. I ran towards Carl who was finished packing.

"Let's go!" Carl grabbed my hand and tried leading me through the mess.

I tripped, and fell on the ground. Walkers started closing in between us.

I heard Carl screaming my name. I had my knife and killed anything about to make me it's dinner.

"GO!" I commanded him. "Stay alive.." I coughed out.

I heard Rick come and carry him off.

The walkers around me were shot at right before they plunged their teeth in me, someone killed them. There was some still wandering around. I didn't even care. I stood there swathed with blood, alone.

I saw a man, I swear I've seen before. He disappeared before I got another glance.

I still had to keep moving. Walkers were everywhere. I let my tears I kept in for so long, out. I felt two arms wrap around me.

"Let me go!" I cried out. My throat started closing up again, decreasing my breathing rate.

All I remember was the car ride. Now I was in a hardly lit room handcuffed to a chair. I sat alone for a while, until a man came in. Jack tagged along behind him. What the hell?

"Well aren't you going to say hello to your old friend?" The man said.

Then he stepped into the light.

It was Jack's real father. He was arrested for drugs and rape. It makes me sick to this day, that I was around him as a child.

"I'm sorry Kaylie, he made me do all this I-" Jack stopped when his dad slapped him.

Jack walked out slowly. His dad - I think his name was Jarod- pulled a chair and faced me. "We have a lot to catch up on."

He explained this crazy shit story about the Governor and the prison.

Jarod was doing time at the prison when Rick, plus the group came and his cell mates left and didn't come back for him.

Then he ran off to the governor and he took over when he died. And now bombed our camp, taking me. I gagged at took me. "You're full of shit."

He stared at me for a while.

"I'm sorry to do this to such a pretty face." He punched me in my stomach.

I groaned of pain and coughed blood out.

Then I laughed, "You should work on you-your uppercut." He kicked the door and left.

I sat silently laughing to myself. I really did have a sick sense of humor.

I missed Carl too much now. I heard the door creak open, and I couldn't, but help hope it was him.

It was Jack. "I'm sorry, Kaylie I didn't want to do any of this." He whispered at he unlocked the handcuffs.

He put a key into my hand and a gun plus a knife.

"The key opens the window." He said as he motioned over to the wall. I gave him one last hug.

"I'm always on your side." He smiled.

"Now go, I'll distract him. Oh, and leave a bobby pin on the ground."

I pulled one out of my hair and bent it up. I let it effortlessly fall to the ground.

"I'll miss you." I told him before I was free.

I looked around making sure I knew where I was. The highway wasn't too far from where I was.

I just started running. I didn't look back I just kept running and running.

An hour later

I looked around at the broken down cars. I searched for any type of life form. Nothing.

They probably haven't came yet. I crawled into a truck and laid down. I was planning to stay till someone showed up.

I woke up in a daze. I crawled out of the truck. I was tired of being strong. I couldn't do it anymore.

They are gone. They aren't coming back. I get repeating that in my head. I curled myself up in sobbed lightly, choking every now and then.Then I felt a hand on my back.

Stay Alive ~ Carl GrimesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora