Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Anger flushed through me, a child so young going to die today and her sister kept it a secret.

I grabbed my returned gun, thanks to Carl, and raised it to Lizzie.

"Stop! Please don't kill me!" She cried out sincerely.

"At least not in the head, so then I can come back." She nodded if it was okay now.

Carl came up from behind me, snatching my gun away.

"Carl," I groaned,"give it back."

He handed it over, but didn't let go.

"As much as you want to, just think who has the blood on their hands. And what my dad is going to do." He released his grip.

I nodded, "What are we going to do about Mika?"

Carl shrugged, "Why don't you ask her?"

"You aren't going to do anything, so she'll come back." Lizzie said as if planned.

"Quite a happy ending, Lizzie. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but you're missing the part where she tears you to pieces."

"Now that's a good ending." Carl smirked as he reloaded his gun.

I shrugged, "Mika's the one who gets to write it."

"Can't you just tie me up? I don't want to turn." She responded.

Lizzie seemed angered by that and ran to the front of the truck.

"We don't let each other turn. But your sister isn't going to let us do anything." Carl looked up from a bullet hole in the truck.

I smiled at her, "There's nothing in here but boxes."

Mika suddenly looked inspired from a comment I made to discourage her from attempting anything.

"Boxes," she shuffled through them till there were two in front of her.

She jumped into one, but it was too small. The other box was bigger and she hopped in.

"You want me to close you up like a coffin?" I asked.

"Not doing that, either. Get out, Mika." Carl played with his gun.

Mika cried, "I'm going to die, please Carl."

Carl ruffled his hands, "I've done a lot of things, but I can't do this."

Lizzie sighed, "Once you turn, you can eat Kaylie's arm, I won't let you kill her completely."

Carl lunged at Lizzie, pushing her beneath him. He raised his knife laying the edge across her throat.

"Listen you psychotic little bitch, there's already enough shit going on and I'm ready to snap. Go do something useful or like pretend to care your sister is going to die."

"She'll come back, you won't kill her. You are weak, Carl. All the things you do is to make yourself up, believe you're a horrible, dark person while you are nothing. I know that the reason you've been trying to leave the group is because you are tired of hiding what you really are."

Carl's hat was tipped, so I couldn't see his face. The tension in the room increased majorly. Mika didn't even say a word.

"I wish that was the truth." Carl rose, firing his gun.

In that moment, I wasn't looking at Carl. He turned into something else, something dark. His eyes stayed attached as Mika's body slumped to the floor and Lizzie screamed.

"No, no, no!" Lizzie held up her hands covered in her sister's blood.

I caught his blue eyes, and immediately I wish I didn't. His face looked stone cold, the crystal blue eyes I used to love were gone.

His gun was aimed again, pointed in my direction.

"I never wanted you to see me like this." He said as he pulled the trigger.

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