Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Beth's POV

Some of the men managed to escape, but they weren't a threat.

We led on the herd to a complete different direction. Now we were
arriving at the Riverside.

"Sleep sounds good, eh?" Daryl said as he approached the first cabin.

I laughed at his nonsense, he slept the whole drive here.

"Maggie," I called. "You still have Judy?"

"Yeah." She hollered from Glenn's side.

"Rick! Get in here now!" Daryl shouted.

Rick was examining the blood and bullets on the ground. He bent down and placed 2 fingers over it. He brought them up to his face, "It's fresh."


Everyone gathered everything they could find for Kaylie and Carl. Someone had attacked them, and it wasn't good.

"Just going to hurt a little, hold in there buddy." Maggie said to Carl.

Others were trying to talk to Kaylie but she kept muttering, "Broken...broken.."

My ears stung when I heard Carl's screams from the table. Kaylie seemed to snap out of her trance and ran over to his side.

"We are fixable, not to late." She whispered.

We all gave each other the eye just making sure we all were hearing this.

"Kaylie, just come with me okay hon'?" I said tugging her arm.

Eventually she gave in, and followed upstairs. I sat her down in the bed.

"What the hell has happened?"

"I-I don't know where to begin." She cried into my shoulder.

"Start off from when you went missing."

She explained her first encounter with the men and how they were cannibals. Her breathing increased as she continued. A man had raped her, but she kicked him back, and he speared him self through the bed post.

Then Carl came in and saved her, but she was already in this dark trance. They drove to the cabin, and things were getting lighter. But the memory wouldn't disappear.

"He'll- He told me to stay, but I heard- he was screaming, I couldn't just- I left to help him." She sobbed.

"It was my dad. He was the head of the men that- that did that to me. Then- one of the men was there so I shot him." She cried harder into my lap now.

"Oh lord." I wrapped my arms around her.

"I lost it, Beth. I wasn't in control anymore. Once they floated away, I came back to earth. I can't ever take that back. The worst part is his face when he saw me, it was like he didn't even know me then he realized I was that one girl he didn't even care about."

I looked at the girl in front of me. She was so strong, stronger than I would ever be or could.


"No. I murdered my own father, Beth. How are you not disgusted by me?" She asked with her eyes blood shot and puffy.

I was speechless, but Kaylie deserved a 'Strongest Female Leader' award right now.

"No, you stop. I would never be able to do that to save even someone I loved. I envy you Kaylie. I admire you, I adore you. You've made us stronger, better and humane. If you think anyone would think of you different because all this, sorry honey. You are the hero now. You had to make a choice. And you choose your really family. Us, Kaylie. We would never hurt you. You are in this family now."

"Just sleep now." I told her laying down with her.


"Beth! Walker behind you!" Bob screamed.

I turned around, and it fell down on top of me.

Bob rushed over between the gaps of the herd.

"Are you okay?" He said as he killed it.

"Yeah. Let's go!" I started running thinking he was right behind me. I made the mistake to turn around.

"Bob!" I screamed as I saw his body being torn to limbs.

I rushed and took steps back to the car.

"Bob's dead." I cried as I shut the door quickly.

Rick rubbed his forehead and looked out the window at the walkers surrounding us.

He slammed on the gas and we rode off from the herd.

"We are gonna take this detour, they'll get lost a little." Rick announced.

I laid my head back, "I can stay back and help."

"You okay, Beth?" Daryl asked.

"Never better." I muttered.

I woke up in my own sweat. I pulled my sleeve up and it was still there. I was hoping it was all a nightmare.

The fever was setting in. I had to tell someone.

"Kaylie?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" She responded surprisingly.

"I need to tell you somethin'." I cried.

"I know, Beth. You talk in your sleep."

I sighed, "Can you take me to the others?"


She held my waist as we went down the stairs.

Carl was okay, he was still unconscious.

"Beth, what's wrong?" Maggie said rushing to my side.

"I'm sorry." Beth cried.

"What's wrong?" Others started turning their attention towards me.

I looked at Kaylie, too weak myself to say it.

"She's- she got bit." Kaylie choked.

Maggie fell to her knees in front of Beth. "I don't want to lose you, Beth. Not after Daddy."

Glenn rubbed her shoulders.

"I know I should've told y'all earlier, and I'll never forgive myself for that. I just don't want to turn." Tears started rolling down my face.

"If that's what you want," Maggie cried, "You'll get that, honey."

"You're brave, Beth. I don't know many who would want to tell." Rick smiled as if she was his own daughter.

"You just like you're father. Never wants to be the one in the spotlight for savin' the day, but always is. Lil' ass kicker is gonna miss ya." Daryl started tearing up.

Everyone told me their goodbyes and I kept a smile on.

"How- what do you want us to use?" Glenn barely got out.

I thought for a minute. "A bullet."

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