Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Kaylie's POV

I squashed some weeds down, making a little path. I settle my gun on the ground, about to do my "business."

A twig snapped in half to loud to be an animal. I grabbed my knife searching in all directions. Before I knew it, filthy hands cover my mouth. I used all my training from on my brother and kicked my foot backward into the man's groin.

"Fuck fucking fuckedy fuck fucker." He cried out.

I took his wrath of pain to grab my gun.

"Listen darling, I ain't going to hurt you." Another man emerged from the trees.

"I would shove that gun up her ass." The man rolling on the ground in pain said.

"Shut it Arnold, we don't want to scare her."

His hand gently caressed my face and I shook it off. Unlike Carl's hands, it felt sharp and were stained red.

"Don't touch me."

He raised his gun to the point of my nose.

"Give me a reason why not to shoot out your brains right now."

"You won't get what you want from us by killing me, so go ahead jackass." I sarcastically smiled.

"Feisty, I like it." He smirked. "Ok guys let's go."

For a second I thought he was going to let me go, but boy, I was wrong.

5 heavy armored men came out, one quickly shoving something in my mouth. The other grabbed some handcuffs and used rope on my legs.

"Arnold, get the bag." The man I talked to before said.

Arnold quickly pulled out a bag of limbs.

"By the way, my name is James. Hmmm, lemme see a finger Arnold."

A freshly cut finger flew out and Mark caught it.

"I like it, put it on the note. Let's go."

With that, i didn't remember much, other than a black trash bag over my head.


I woke up in a small room, the windows were blocked up and it smelled terrible. I tried to move my hands but they were tied to the bed post. The floors behind me, in what I think is a bathroom, creaked.

"Who's there?" I questioned.

"Ah you're awake." James said.

He walked around the bed and sat himself between my legs.

"I'm very sorry about this," He smirked, "try to enjoy this okay? My people are hungry and bringing you here leads us our meals."

"You-you eat people?" I gasped.

"Hell yes we do. I would eat you right now in seconds," He licked his lips seductively,"But I can't sadly, you're bait." He laughed.

"I do wonder what you'd taste like..." His eyes trailed down to my body.

"Would you mind if I just- never mind it's silly, I'll play with you instead." His voice deepened.

His hands gripped my waist tightly, and he pulled my jacket to my wrist. He frowned when he saw I had a tank top on underneath.

I thrashed my legs back and forth trying to get him off of me.

"Forget this, Arnold! Where are you?" He called out.

Heavy steps on the floor erupted while a key opened the door.

"What's up?" He asked.

"She's all yours."

With that, my life turned into more than hell.

Carl's POV

I was beyond mad. Angry, sad, annoyed, miserable and empty. I screamed at my dad for what seemed like hours. We had to go get her. It's been six hours and I haven't slept knowing she's in the hands of possible killers.

The group made the decision to wait, they would expect us to find them in full out rage.

"Carl," Dad called,"I'm sorry, first thing tomorrow we'll find her. Get your rest son."

With that he walked away, looking stressed as hell. I went the car and sat for awhile.

What if they touch her?

What if they hurt her?

What if they kill her?

All the what-ifs flooded through my mind like a storm. I jumped out, and ran into the thick brush.


As I approached the camp, I saw 2 men cleaning up. One was taming the fire and the other was picking up trash.

"Night man." One called.

"Make sure to lock the door to the cabin."


I barely made out what he said, but it was enough for me.



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