Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Kaylie's POV

Alexandria was breath-taking. Gardens throughout the center, children running around, houses facing the center.

But could we trust these people?

"Hello!" A man approached.

"This is Douglas." Heath motioned to the man.

"We found these folks, sir." Aaron announced.

"Great. And yes, I am Douglas Monroe. Welcome to the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Now, first things, first. I'm going to need all your weapons. We will be keeping them in the armory. Olivia will take them, she's in charge of the armory."

"Are you crazy?" Carl snapped.

I grabbed his arm, "How do we know when you take our weapons, you won't just kill us?"

"It's all about trust. Hard to say, huh? Let me see... Hey Robert! Come over here, please."

Trust was something I wish more people had now.

A young kid maybe around twenty, started walking over.

"What can I do for you, sir?" He asked.

"Do you have any weapons on you?"

"No... I would never break that rule, sir. Well I do carry a hammer," He grabbed one from his tool belt, "but it's for work."

"Robert here, he came a few months ago. Now he's one of my finest of the construction team along with Tobin. You can get back to work." He shooed him off.

"Construction team?" Glenn questioned.

"You don't thing these walls stay up with no breaks and the water flows perfectly here?" He laughed.

We all glanced at each other, not knowing of what to thing of this place.

A woman came, "Aaron and Eric told me to find the new group they brought."

"Ah, yes. This is Olivia, if you'd like to continue throughout my Safe-Zone, I need to make sure I keep it safe. Please just hand all weapons over, and once you get moved in, they are just down a few houses from you." Douglas spoke.

I glanced at Rick, he was looking to. I shrugged, I didn't want any more props in my life.

"Okay." Rick swallowed as he spoke.

"Just put them in here." Olivia said bringing the basket forward.

I sighed, grabbing my gun and placing it in. Then Glenn, Carol, Maggie, Rick, Sasha, and Tyreese followed.

I stared at Carl, who was obviously going to yell at me later.

I grabbed his gun out if his holster and tossed it in along with my knife. Soon, everyone was weaponless except Daryl and Michonne.

"It's sentimental." Michonne told.

"I just like carryin' it." Daryl shrugged.

"I can have the sword hung up in-" Olivia was cut off.

"Not now. I'll see what I can do. Now let's carry on. Do you want someone to get your daughter and see what we have, as in diapers and formula?" Douglas said directing it to Carl and I.

"Oh-" I started.

"Do the younger children want to stay here? Play with the others?" Douglas asked.

Mika nodded and Lizzie remained silent.

Carol whispered something in Douglas' ear.

He nodded and looked at Lizzie.

"Heath, would you take the two girls to Denise?"

Heath nodded, and Douglas grabbed his shoulder bringing him close.

I could make short phrases, but it was about Lizzie, for sure.

Heath directed the two away, towards the center of the buildings.

Once they were out of earshot, Douglas spoke up.

"Don't worry, Dr. Denise Cloyd has seen her kind before. It takes time to recover."

"Her kind?" I questioned.

He adjusted his shirt, "The ones that fall of the wagon, hard, and can't get back up."

"She's been through a lot." Carol fought.

"The younger one is fine," Douglas shrugged, "let's not fight, now. Welcome to my town."

"Come now, we'll find some place for you all." He continued.

I glanced at Carl, who was ready to explode any minute. I didn't want to be here, but it was best for everyone. I sighed and took a step following the man through Alexandria.

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