Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Kaylie's POV

Back at camp, I made sure Jack meet everyone. I snuck off to the infirmary tent and grabbed my knife.

Rick told me to take care of his shift while he and Daryl go out on a run. It was already getting dark, so I grabbed Carl's flashlight.

Sometimes, I thought Rick purposely left, so I might have a chance in dying on his shift.

I dashed through the sun setting to my post. It looked like it was going to rain tonight.

Great. But at least I'm protecting the ones I love.

At least one hour past and it was freezing. The rain made my hands go numb, I guess that makes it hard to use a knife.

As I was lost in thought, I heard yelling. I turned around to Rick and Daryl telling everyone to pack up.

"Rick! What's going on?" I yelled.

"Behind you! Walker!"

I turned around in a split second with my knife ready. It's arms wrapped around my neck so it could bite me.

"I'm not food!" I yelled as I spliced its head open.

I grabbed my knife and ran to Rick.

"What the hell is going on? We haven't seen this many walkers in weeks combined!" I screamed.

Carl came running out, shooting.

"I got everyone on the bus and in cars and packed all up. We need to go!" He yelled to his father.

I stood there confused needed to know what was going on. "Kaylie get in the car! I'll explain later-"

"I need to know now, Rick! I know you hate me, but you can't just not tell me this stuff." I screamed as I shot a walker down.

"Okay! The rainfall is making the creek overflow bring all walkers toward us. As we were driving, there was a huge herd of them and even more coming. We need to move up into higher elevation. Now, get into the car!"

I couldn't believe this was happening. Carl grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car.

"Get in!" He yelled as he opened the door for me and shot down walkers within an arms length of me.

"I love you and stay safe!" He said as he was about to close the door.

"Where are you going?" I said as I stopped the door from closing.

"Are you stupid? Get in Carl!"

"I can't, I running back with Daryl to clear some out so you guys are safe. Don't worry about me, will be fine. I'll see you in a few days, I promise." He whispered, kissing my forehead and slammed the door shut.

Carl's POV

I watched the car speed off. I know she'll be safe. I'm not so sure about myself. I made her a promise, and I intend not to break it.

"Carl, we'll clear them out on the north side so they will have a clear path.

C'mon kid lets go!" Daryl yelled while shooting walkers down.

I followed Daryl through the forest making sure his tail was safe.

A walker out of no where grabbed my ankle and I fell down on my knife. I shrieked of pain, yanking the knife out of my thigh.

Daryl ran back and helped me up onto his bike. "You okay kid?" He asked as I looked at the blood and the hole the knife had made in my pants.

"Uh.. Yeah, I'm fine." I told him sucking it up.

We got on the main road driving through the rain. "See they're just a mile or a few up, well be good in plenty." Daryl reassured me.

Three days later

Kaylie's POV

We got up to an area higher up in elevation like Rick wanted. Carl or Daryl were neither back.

The past nights I never really left my tent. Occasionally, Rick would come by drop some food and ask if I wanted to talk. Every time he asks that, I honestly think he's hurting, too. Sometimes I'll say yes, other times no.

I woke up to the scent of pine trees. We were sort of in the mountains. At least the rain had stopped.

I sat in my tent letting the loneliness drown into me. It absolutely disgusted me.

I stood up and walk out. The sun felt good on my skin with the cool breeze in the air. Rick spotted me and smiled.

"I'm glad you came out. Here's your gun and knife. Beth had some granola bars for you." He's been acting nice lately.

"Thanks Rick, I've probably been a drag lately." I admitted.

"I'm sorry, for never giving you a chance. You make Carl happy, might as well say myself." He told me as he walked off.

I stood there, completely shocked till Beth called me over.

"Morning Beth." I told her. She put Judith down and squeezed me.

"Finally you came out of your tent. Judith has been a pain! She never stops crying!" I wormed out of her grasp and picked up Judith and hummed to her.

She slowly drifted to sleep. I handed her back to Beth and smiled.

"Call me over if she needs anymore help."

"Thanks Kay." She whispered while rocking Judith back and forth.

I walked outside and decided I would watch the perimeter. Maggie was watching my back side.

There wasn't supposed to be too many walkers up here, but we watched in case. In the distance I saw a walker.

"Walker eight o'clock!" I yelled over to Maggie.

She ran over and so did Rick, Jack, Sasha, Glenn, Tyreese and the others stayed back with the kids.

Rick loaded his gun about to shoot it, but I stopped him.

"It will just attract more. I'll go down there." I told him as I jumped down and walked the steep slope.

I got my grasp on my knife and ran over. But something stopped me. It wasn't a walker. It was Carl.

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