Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up, the light scratching my face. Carl was sprawled on the cushioned couch, face deep in the book I was reading, Othello.

"Good read?" I leaned against the wall.

He looked up in shock, shutting the book.

I decided to embarrass him a little more; I walked towards him, planting my hands on his lower stomach.

I leaned in, my lips close enough to touch his ear, "I think we all have secrets."

"Fuck you." He moaned.

I smiled sweetly, then left the room, leaving him speechless. I made my way downstairs, in search of food.

"Hey sweetie, I'm Maggie. Want somethin' to eat?"

I nodded, "Just a piece of bread is fine."

After I finished, a little girl came up to me.

"Hi." She breathed.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Lizzie. I want to show you something."

The little girl grabbed my hand and led me outside.

"It gets boring here, so I like to play tag with my friends. Can you play?" She coughed.

"Of course." I smiled.

"I need to get them, give me your gun."

I got a weird feeling there was something off with this girl.

"I don't think that's a good idea.. Where are your parents?"

"Dead." She smiled.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry. Maybe we can play later." This chick was freaking me out.

"Wait! One of them is here!"

I kept my distance, "Come on, get your friend and let's go inside."

I started turning around, until I heard the grunts.

"Lizzie, get away from it!" I yelled as the little girl was running around in circles with a biter.

I glanced at my gun, but I knew it would cause too much commotion.

My knife was tightly gripped in my hand, and I lunged in and killed it. Lizzie screamed as if she had seen her own mother being stabbed to death.

Everyone came running out, prepared for the worst.

"What did you do?" Rick yelled at me.

"I-Nothing!" I yelled back at him.

"Carl." Rick said snapping his head towards me.

"We do have secrets." He said as he banged the end of his gun against my forehead.


Carl's POV

I carried her unconscious body to the bathroom, locking the door on the way out.

"Lizzie, tell us what happened." My dad whispered to her.

"She-she killed my friend." She said within sobs.

"You should have stayed in the sick section Lizzie." Tyreese said. "Who's even in charge over there?"

"Um... it's your day Tyreese."

He got up and sprinted to the room.

"Anyways." Dad continued.

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