Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

We walked through the street, searching for anything.

"What's that?" She pointed at the lady by a window with the door open.

"Let's check it out." I suggested.

We walked through the door, and a woman sat there with a clip board.

"Hello? What would you like today?" She smiled.


"Oh... Are you new?"

"Yeah, we were looking to turn the power on for our houses." I said.

"Oh, I'll have Tobin help with that. By the way this is, well, a store."

"What do you sell?" Kaylie asked.

"Everything! Follow me." She stood up.

I grabbed Kaylie's hand as the woman led us to another room.

"Take a look around. We pay with money minutes. For example, work for 30 minutes at dinner service, you can get a candy bar. All your time can add up. Since you are new, you get a any one item for free. I'll be at my desk when your ready to checkout." She walked away.

"Wow, they even have price labels." Kaylie touched a box of cookies label.

"One hour for a bag of chips." I said grabbing the bag.

"Get the thing with the most hours, so we won't have to work to get it." She smiled.

I looked around, "Six hours for a choice of shirt, pants/shorts, socks, and shoes."

"We need that." Kaylie walked over.

I looked to the side.

"Two hours for two condoms, no one hour for one." I read off the label.

Kaylie slapped my arm, "Get things we really need." She motioned to the clothes she was picking out.

"We really need this, too." I smirked.

"I swear, Carl, I'm about to-"

"Are you guys don't yet? Dinner is just about to start." The lady came in.


"Okay, I just need to add your named to the list for the next time you buy things. My names Holly, by the way. I work here, and I'm on the construction team."

"You must have a lot of money minutes." Kaylie said.

"I'm been saving up." She laughed.

"I'm getting the clothes bundle, with the hoodie, jeans, socks, and the converse." Kaylie told her.

Holly grabbed a bag and put all the things in it.

"Write your name down there, and what about you?" She looked up at me.

"Just these." I smiled.

Holly laughed, "Good choice. Lucky lady over here."

"Carl, you didn't." Kaylie looked up at me.

I put my hands up, "Guilty."

She shook her head, "Just write your name down."

We thanked Holly and made our way to the house.

"Just leave the bag in my room, let's go to dinner." I said leaving it on the corner of my bed.

"I'll go tell everyone upstairs, you should tell the others next door. I'll see you at dinner."

I nodded and walked to the other house.

"I'm not moving again, no way." Maggie said.

"You let my son make these arrangements? I'm not sure I should even let him out of my sight, anymore." My dad yelled.

"Rick, they'll keep an eye on him. He won't get into any trouble. And I doubt he'll move himself over to here." Glenn said.

"You guys make me sound so bad, jeez." I walked in.

"It's time for dinner." I added and left before anything could happen.


I stood in line for the food.

"Are you new?" A girl my age in front of me spoke.


"I'm Carina, hope you're enjoying Alexandria so far!" She smiled.

"It's nice, I'm Carl." I tried to return the same smile, but it probably didn't look real.

"What's for dinner? I'm dying for anything." Kaylie cut next to me.

"Soup. It's raining again, so we thought something warm would be good." Carina said.

"Thanks. I'm Kaylie, new here."

"No problem, and I'm Carina." She smiled, but with not as much enthusiasm as before.

"Grab a tray." She added as we approached the food.

The lady placed a bowl down, a piece if bread, and a cup of water.

"Hungry?" She asked.

"Very." I thanked her and moved to a table.

I sat at the end if the table with Kaylie at my side with Judith. Across was Michonne, Daryl, and Carol. Next to Kaylie was Mika, who said Lizzie was staying with the doctor. The table connecting to us had my dad, Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, Tyreese.

"You need to eat." She hadn't touched her food yet.

"So does Judith." She sighed, trying to feed her.

Sasha walked over, "I'll take her, I'm done eating. Rick will take her back to the house."

Kaylie ate her dinner in less than three minutes after that.

"I'd like to make a toast, to our new members! Everyone pour yourself a glass of wine and celebrate!"

"Here you all are. I wanted to personally give these bottles to you. Enjoy!" Douglas smiled.

Kaylie grabbed a bottle, and poured a glass.

"Woah, slow down there." I said watching her drink the whole glass and starting to pour another.

"My dad's favorite." She said holding the bottle.

"Let's go walk around this place, sound good?"

"Yeah, it's too normal I'm here, it's freaking me out."

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