Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I woke up in a field with the sun on my face. Where was I? I felt the sweat on my hands stick to the ground as I got up. I heard a noise from behind me. Must be a walker. I reached for my knife, but it wasn't there. Nor was my gun.

I turned around slowly. "M-mom?" I whispered out. I saw her colorful smile that could light up a whole room.

"Kay, what are you doing here?"

I didn't even answer. I ran up and squeezed the life out of her.

"I missed you so much." She rubbed my back gently.

"I love you baby, but you can survive this. I know you can. I've taught you how to be strong, to be brave, and what's the right thing. You know I've been here every step you take. You're never alone and don't you forget that Kaylie. Don't let this world get to you. If you ever need me, I'm here doll."

Tears sprang down from my eyes.

"Don't cry, don't cry. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you. You're a wonderful girl and you will survive this sickness. I know you will." I cherished every word she said, especially 'sickness'.

"Wait, what do you mean by sickness?" I whispered.

"Kay, that boy will keep you safe. I'll be watching over you. Don't worry about a thing. I love you. Survive for me and your father. I know you can. You will stay alive. I love you sweetheart."

With that, she disappeared, leaving me to a field that had turned into a war zone Blood flinging through the air, screams of children, and the living dead.

My body threw its self up and I started panting. I couldn't breath. I was coughing and coughing until blood came out.

I felt hands hold me down and put something down my throat. The cold sweat on my forehead made me nauseated. My breathing got lighter and lighter. I tried batting my eyes open, but the weakness over took them.

a few hours later

The cool moist air shot in and crept up on to me. I shivered clenching my fist. I immediately felt 2 hands on me.

"Kaylie?" I heard his crackling voice say.

I opened my mouth, but then I turned my head and coughed into my side. I wiped the blood of my face and tried to smile.

He grabbed my hand and stroked my face.

"I'm so sorry..I'm going to be here every second you need me. Luckily, it's just a fever with bad side affects. You'll be all good soon." He was so sweet, but I really couldn't let him get sick.

I cleared my throat and barely got out into a whisper, "You-you'll get sick." He grabbed a blanket and placed it over my frozen body.

"It's not your turn to worry."

Carl's POV

I waited till she fell into a deep sleep and got up. I walked out of the tent to the meeting we were having.

I grabbed my gun, always ready. I almost tripped over Lizzie and her sister running around. They started giggling.

"Yeah, you'll be laughing when a walker comes up behind you." I snapped at them.

Lizzie rolled her eyes and ran off.

"Carl, they are just kids." Daryl told me as he walked forward.

"Idiot kids." I mumbled under my breath.

"Now, I don't want attitude from you. I know you're pissed off, but this is life, kid. Things happen for unexplained reasons. It's good and it's bad. You just have to live with the outcome."

I think that's the longest speech I ever thing Daryl has said. Daryl patted my back and we walked off to where everyone was crowded.

My dad stood there waiting for everyone's attention.

"Ok, there's a few things I think as a group we need to discuss. There's the weather. It's going be freezing and I think we'll need to move to a sheltered area." Whispers broke out throughout the crowd.

"We can't leave with the girl sick!" Sasha brought up.

It would be horrible for Kaylie to be on the move for a new place while she's sick.

"We can just leave her..." I heard someone from the Woodbury group mumble. I clenched my fist and walked angrily off.

I walked into her tent and just sat down, making sure her heart pounded.

I couldn't stand to see like this. Her skin turned to an icy cold color, her bones were easily visible now, and blood was smeared over her face.

I grabbed her boney fingers and held them tight into my hands.

A few minutes later, I heard some screams coming from outside. I stood up and slipped out of the tent.

I saw some men I didn't know who they were. I suddenly felt 2 hands grab me.

"You're comin' with me."

The man shoved my body forward then stopped. He put a gun to my head.

"This kid dies unless y'all put your weapons down!" He screamed.

Slowly my dad placed his gun down and everyone followed cautiously.

"Give us all your food, anything you got." The other man said.

"I'd rather die in hell." I told the man holding me.

"Maybe you will, bastard." He whispered in my ear.

My dad yelled back and fourth to the man. Finally he just gave up.

"Kill the kid! Now."

"NO!" My dad yelled. Then a gunshot went off.

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