Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I starred at the ceiling, just thinking.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We are going to have to tell them you are pregnant." Carl whispered. I nodded.

"What-what if I die?" I said as I rose up.

"That's not going to happen. I won't let any thing happen to you." He said as he squeezed my hand.

"C'mon let's go tell them." He stuck his hand out.


I sat curled up on the couch, sticking my fingers through the holes in my sweater. I stared up at Rick's surprised face.

"Asshole." Daryl muttered grabbing an arrow, and pinning up Carl against the wall.

"Don't hurt my son." Rick grumbled.

"Look wha he done to the poor girl!" I traced my skinny wrist, imagining it was nothing.

"Stop yelling y'all!" Maggie spat at them.

"It's not good for the baby." Beth perked in.

"We can't have another baby." Michonne added

"She's right, look what happened to Lori. Imagine what would happen to her!" Glenn motioned to me.

I grabbed my bag, and darted to the door. I felt their eyes follow me until I shut the door. I slipped my hood on and walked off, wiping the tears that brimmed my eyes. I walked in to someone's house; I honestly didn't care. I grabbed a chair and leaned against the counter. I pointlessly counted the little hairs free from my pony tail.

"You okay?" Skye said as she stepped out of the shadows. I jumped when I heard her voice.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know anyone was here." I said trying to put a small smile on my face.

"Did.. Carl break up with you?" She asked timidly.

"No." I awkwardly responded. A blank expression laid across her face.

"I-I'm pregnant. And I have a headache that hurts like hell."

She jumped up in shock. "I-is he the father?" Something was weird about this girl.

"No, Rick is." I said sarcastically. A small laugh came out of her mouth.

"Here lay down. I'll make you some tea." I nodded and took my bag off my back and put it on the floor.

"Oh, I'll put that in the kitchen." She said grabbing it.

Skye's POV

I tossed her bag on the counter and opened the drawer. Soup, spices, and knifes. I turned around and grabbed her bag. I released the string, and stuck my hand it. I poured everything out, and looked back to see if it had got her attention. Good, I thought to myself. I scattered through the things in her bag. A knife, bullets, an empty wrapper for a granola bar, and a small container. I grabber the little bottle and looked at it. Abortion pills. A small smirk came across my face.


I poured the tea into a small mug, slipping in pill dust from the container, and in my other hand I had pills. I walked to where she was laying, "Here you go, and this is for her headache."

She smiled, "Thanks Skye." She said with her flawless voice. Carl was hers. Why wouldn't he go for her? Kaylie's light brown hair went down to the middle of her back perfectly straight. She had light blue eyes, while I have brown. Carl probably loves her perfect tan, while I look like a pile of snow. Don't even get me started on her smile and little freckles. I hadn't got braces yet, soooo. I shook out of thinking of how perfect she was. If only Carl saw me that way.

Maybe he will soon.

Kaylie's POV

I rubbed my eyes, looking around. It was getting dark soon, so might as well get home. Skye popped out of no where with my bag.

"See you around." She smirked. I nodded and walked to the door.

"Good luck with the baby." Her voice echoed throughout my ears. I quickly opened the door and shut it behind me.

I pulled my hood on, trying to dog the rain. I listened to the mush under my feet of the snow.

I wiped my feet down on the mat before I creaked the door open. I was hoping no one would be there, but I was wrong.

"Hey." I said once I had there eyes all on me. Stupid counsel meeting. I made my way up to the stairs, but then Daryl stopped me.

"I'll take 'er up." He said motioning them to continue. I followed him closely, grabbing the lantern we kept upstairs.

Daryl pulled out two chairs, so I could sit.

"Listen kid, Imma treat ya like an adult, but you ain't one. I can't really control y'all choices, but I think you need to think about that option we all know is 'ere. Don't make this choice alone, ya understand?" I nod my head, in agreement to it.

Daryl headed back down stairs, and I walked up to my room. I gently opened the door, where Carl was pacing back and forth. Once his eyes met mine, he embraced me into a hug.

"Where the hell did you go? You have no clue how worried I've been. I tried to follow you then they kept me under supervision! You can't-"

"Shut up, please." I laughed out.

He rolled his eyes, "But where did you go?"

"I actually wandered into some random house, and it ended up being Skye's. I relaxed a bit, too much stress going around here." I said as I motioned to Carl.

"What am I supposed to do when my girlfriend, wait I forgot pregnant girlfriend runs off?" I smiled, but then it faded.

I sat at the corner of the bed, slouching in sadness. I threw my bag on the ground and laid back.

"I know, Daryl told me the same thing."

Carl grabbed my bag, "Your knife is in here, right?" I nodded and turned to my side. I heard him rattle around in my bag, then it all stopped.

"You made the choice without me."

"What?" I asked as I turned up.

"How could you! We were going to make the decision together!"

He yelled as he threw the empty container at me.

"Carl, I swear I-"

"Save it for someone who cares." He yelled before he left the room. I wiped the tears that came down from my face.

Then it all came to me.

The dirty looks, all the questions, and taking my bag.

"That bitch." I whispered as I grabbed my knife. I ran out of my room and down stairs.

"Kaylie, did you really-" Maggie said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

I turned around in a split second, and pinned her down.

"Don't touch me." I screeched. I jumped up to my feet, all of the attention to me. Carl's face showed no emotion. Rick and basically everyone's had shock and whether to do something.

I opened toe door, and before I closed it, "No, I didn't take the pills. Don't worry about it, I'll take good care of it."

I said gripping my knife nice and tightly. With that, I ran off into the dark, rainy, moonless night.

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