Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A deep voice whispered, "Get up now and drop the gun and knife."

I slowly got up and dropped them regretting it. After they fell to the floor, I was shoved to the ground.

"Get off me you pig!" I managed to choke out. I felt the pressure slowly come off my back. I quickly got to my feet and searched for my things.

The boy had them. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes, and light freckles. We stared at each other for a moment before I asked for my things.

"Give me my gun, asshole."

The boy looked at the weapons and dropped them on the ground and kicked them over.

I grabbed them as soon as possible. I turned my back to him and was about to walk out the door when he grabbed my arm.

"Get your dirty hands off-"

"Shut your fucking mouth! They are out there. Over here."

I followed him to the Pick-Up desk.

"Can you fit in there?" He asked pointing at the opening for handing things in and out.

"Excuse me?" I couldn't believe this kid.

"Please, I really need some things." He begged.

"I'll try."

I put my arms in first, then my head, and my body following.

"Shit!" I yelled as the glass scraped my stomach.

I pushed my self though, landing in the floor with blood on my hands.

"Now open the door." He said.

I sighed, clutching my stomach, I twisted the handle.

I immediately regretted it.

A loud beeping sound echoed in every corner. Biters faces were at the windows, they found their meals.

"Idiot!" I yelled at him, but at partially myself.

"Here, we can-"

"No!" I yelled. "There is no we can! You got me into this mess."

I looked in the employes' room, and found an exit. I debated on whether to go tell the kid or not.

When I turned around, he was there.

I grabbed my gun, and kicked the door wide open, smashing some walkers.

We ran synchronized, shooting when we needed.

I looked around our surroundings.

"There!" He pointed at a barn near the forest.

I glanced back, we had been creating a herd.

"Fuck." I cursed, still clutching my side.

He glanced over in concern.

"You go left to the barn. I'm going to go right and loop around, get them off our track. Go, now!" I yelled at him.

He hesitated, then ran. Probably guessed that you can't change my mind when I'm set on something.

I stood on the trail looking at the herd we'd made.

I shot my gun up into the sky, and threw some rocks at them.

They weren't so patient anymore.

I sprinted to the tree line, where I got my first wave of nausea. I placed my hand against the tree, and peeked at the major cut.

My shirt was cold with blood. I took off my hoodie, then my shirt. It was a goner, so I used it to clean up the surface a little.

I tossed it on the trail, got my hoodie on and crept back behind the little herd.

They were confused with my shirt. They were staring, some raced foreword for food, but no. They were probably thinking, Hey! Where's the meat?

I approached the barn, where a lone biter popped out.

I lost my balance, due to being lightheaded.

The boy opened the barn doors and killed the biter cold.

He offered his hand up, but it was hard to stand. I made my way into the barn, and the doors swung closed.

I took a seat on hay, trying to focus my eyes.

"I'm making stairs of hay, so we can get up to the top. Just so were off ground floor."

I nodded, he was pretty smart.

"Um... I actually can pull myself up from here. I can put another stack, so you-"

"I'm fine." I said stepping on the hay.

I grabbed the wood and pulled myself up and over.

The boy joined me.

"We should stay here, a day or so." He leaned against the wall.

"I never got your name." I said.

"Carl Grimes. Yours?"

I hesitated, "Kaylie Reynolds."

I stretched my arms out, which had blood on them.

"Let me see your stomach." Carl hovered over my body.

I rolled up my jacket, and he examined it.

Carl shuffled through his bag, and grabbed a huge bandaid.

"It'll work for now. I'll take you to my group, see what we can do."

I shook my head, "I can't take it, it's for your people."

"Please, they don't even know I left."

I sighed, letting him continue.

It covered most of the cut, but wasn't big enough.

"You'll need a new shirt, that won't do any good." He said shaking his flannel off his arms.

I took off my jacket and took the shirt. I quickly buttoned it up.

My curiosity got the best of me. "What did you want from the back?"

He had a gently smile, and his eyes squinted a bit.

"I've been trying to get in there for a while. We are going through a hard time. I just wanted"

I cocked my eyebrow, in surprise. I assumed Carl was a goody two shoes. Not a badass druggie who sneaks out.

"I'm going to hit the hay." He smiled.

"Not funny." I closed my eyes and slept, well to his knowledge I was.

I fought myself to stay awake, Carl could be capable of anything. But my lids grew heavy and were forced shut.

I woke up with the sun peeking through the roof.

I looked to my side, and Carl was gone.

I slowly got down, and saw food left on the ground. I ran over to the doors. They were locked from the outside.

I walked around anxiously, nibbling on stale crackers and drinking the 1/4 bottle of water Carl left.

I stopped when I heard tires on the gravel.

I reached for my gun that I keep in the loop of my pants, but it was gone. I didn't even feel the knife in my boot.

The doors flew open to a man.

"Tie her up and get the blind fold."

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