Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Glenn's POV

The morning was hectic. We all were loading up the cars for Washington.

"Have you seen Maggie?" I asked Daryl.

He shook his head and tossed a bag in the truck.

I searched through the cabins calling for her.

"Maggie?" I yelled one more time.

"In here." Her voice responded from upstairs.

I found her at the foot of the bed with Judith.

"She mumbled Beth's name..."

I sighed and picked Judith from her arms.

"I'm going to give her over to Kaylie. C'mon we are leaving."

"Glenn?" Her voice faltered.

I nodded, acknowledging she had my attention.

"I want my own kid, Glenn."

"We'll talk later." I said walking out.

I put my hood on carefully with Judith with my other hand.

Outside it was still lightly raining. Winter was coming soon to a end.

I caught Carl tossing some blankets in the jeep.

"Here's Judith, I thought maybe Kaylie would have her for the drive." I smiled at him.

He nodded and grabbed his baby sister.

"Who you driving up?" He asked looking up from Judith.

"Sasha, Tyreese, Maggie, and Be-" I stopped myself.

"I know, I miss her, too. We can't just pretend she disappeared. I sometimes question how my dad does things." He shrugged.

"He's doing his best." I patted his back and walked off.

"Are you sure you want to take the bike to D.C.? It'll just get in the way." Carol tried convincing Daryl.

"I ain't leaving her behind."

The Woodbury group that were still alive stumbled forward in low whispers.

"Rick..." Henry spoke up.

"Lemme guess, D.C. ain't gonna work for you guys? Don't sweat it, take some food and a can of gas."

"Thank you, I just want to find a place to settle, I'm tired of moving. You are good people. We had chosen the wrong side. Good luck, you deserve it."

They shook hands, "Take the van, we won't need it. You can fit your group in the back."

We waved as they drove off, getting smaller in the distance.

"We are falling apart." Rick sighed.

"We are alive, that's what matters." Kaylie spoke up.

"I agree." Maggie smiled.

"C'mon, I'm waitin' to leave." Daryl said from his bike.

Rick nodded in approval, "Follow my car and pull over as soon if you notice a problem or something going on."

I let Maggie get in the car and made space in the back for Tyreese and Sasha.

"Ready?" I asked everyone as I slid into the driver's seat.

"Let's get out of here." They all agreed.

Carl's POV

I sat in the car waiting for everyone to head off.

"Follow your dad." Kaylie said as he started driving onto the road.

I nodded and started the car up, driving towards the back of his car, but I was cut off.

"Fuck!" I yelled slamming the break.

Daryl smiled taking my spot.

I flipped him off, and he revved his bike.

"Carl..." Kaylie said trying not to laugh.

I looked over at Judith in her lap.

Judith flipping her middle finger on both hands.

"Funk!" She squealed.

"Funk." Kaylie repeated.

"Funking funk." I laughed.

She moved her little arms up to Kaylie's neck and tried standing.

"I'm going to teach you how to walk? That sound good?" Kaylie said to her.

She nodded tugging of Kaylie's hair.

"I'll teach you how to shoot a gun." I smirked.

She clapped her hands wildly, and tried standing up again.

"Not happening." Kaylie said.

"She'll need to learn from the best."

"Don't get too cocky now." She grinned.

I rose my hands up I
in defense, "Okay, okay, you win."

"As usual."

I shook my head laughing, "Don't distract the driver."

Rick's POV

I was driving in the front of our line, but Daryl kept trying to pass me up.

Michonne sat in the front seat, and Carol in the back with Lizzie and Mika.

The car behind us had Carl driving, with Kaylie and Judith.

And last was Glenn, with Maggie, Sasha plus Tyreese.

Soon we'd be arriving in D.C. in less then 2 days on the road.

All the memories, gone.

Our house, our friends, our lives.


But we keep moving forward.

And that's exactly what we are doing.

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