Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up finally when the sun was out. Quickly, I slipped on my boots. I went down stairs and saw everyone doing there own thing. Beth was feeding Judith, Maggie was with Glenn and the sicklings.

Carl and Rick were outside farming. I didn't know what to do. Daryl came by and looked at me.

"Hey kid, you want to help out?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Follow me." He said making his way towards the door.

Carl stopped shoveling and gave me a small smile. On the other hand, Rick glared at me with hatred. I put my attention back in where Daryl was leading me.

He lead me to the street and pointed in the horizon. "We want to move to the coast. It's supposed to be safer."

"I've heard about that too. You only have to protect one side-" I stopped talking to a noise from the side wall of the neighbors.

Daryl got a bow and moved toward it. He kicked the gate open revealing a boy. Not just any boy. My brother Daniel.

I jumped into his enormous arms and cried. I'd been believing he was dead this whole time.

"Daniel where have you been!" I asked, wiping my eyes.

"Saw you running from a herd, but they stopped me from getting to you."

"So there's another one?" Rick questioned my brother.

"I'm Daniel Reynolds, who the hell are you?"

Rick stepped forward saying, "I'm Rick Grimes, this is my group. We were attacked, so we had to move here."

"Well I'm glad you didn't leave yet, or else I wouldn't of found her." Daniel squeezed me even more. Everything was truly perfect now.


Later in the day, Daniel was talking about where he had been. Apparently he ran out just in time to our old home. He thought I'd go there, but I wasn't.


"Yeah, what's up?"

Daniel nervously looked up and down.

"We need to go, I'm sorry. I know these are good people, but they seem to have a lot of enemies. I don't want to lose you, again."

My heart shattered. "W-what?"

"I want you safe! We need to leave." He said denying to look in my eyes. I knew something was up.

"Tell me the real reason why."

He played with his fingers in a circular motion.

"Well... Claire is waiting for me to come back. She's at her house and I promised I would be back."

Claire. Daniel's on and off cheesy girlfriend who claims she loves him.

"I'm not going anywhere near that bitch!" I yelled.

Claire always hated me. When I was 10, they were going to go to the movies, but Daniel promise to play with my little kid toys and stuff like that with me.

"Kaylie, please! I promise she won't be rude or anything!" Daniel never believed me when I told him she "accidentally" hit we with a club in golf, or murmured things to her friends about me.

"No. I can't believe your choosing her over me." I waved him off, going to the room I've been in the past few days.

I slid down to the ground just thinking. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Get lost asshole!"

"What?" Carl questioned. I apologized, opening the door.

"What happened?" He asked, sitting down on the bed, dragging me next to him.

"Daniel wants me to leave with him."

Carl didn't have a reaction, but advice. "I want you to be with your only family left, and I don't want to be selfish and keep you from anyone else. I want you to be happy." He grinned.

I sighed, "Cross paths again, promise?"

"Run from a herd? It's a date." He chuckled.

He combed his threw my hair lightly. then leaned in for a kiss. My hands wrapped around his neck tightly.

Just then the door swung open to Daniel's shocked face.

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