Chapter 40

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Nina Dobrev above as Rebecca Sadlier.

Chapter 40

Carl's POV

"We need to walk from here." Heath yawned from the passenger seat.

"Not today." I did lay off the gas, but kept driving through the maze of the place we lived in.

Heath sighed, leaning back into the seat.

I swerved throughout the barricades, approaching the gate. They opened almost immediately, Douglas waiting impatiently.

He signaled us to pull in, people moving out of the way.

"Carl!" My dad ran to the car.

"I'm alright," I lied, "What's going on?"

He shrugged, "Douglas has been very vague with a lot. Where's Kaylie?"

I stood out of the car, slamming the door.

"Care to explain, shithead?" I nodded to Douglas. Regina frowned and crossed her arms.

Douglas hesitated, then pulled his radio out.

"Ryan." He spoke to the buzzing sound.

After a few moments of screeches, a voice came through. "You know you don't have to check in every five minutes?"

"Who's Ryan?" Glenn came from Maggie's side.

Regina smiled, "He's...well, a spy, I guess."

"I'm with Kaylie, we're going over the plan for when Negan takes her back." The voice made out.

"Okay. We should see each other soon." Douglas placed his radio back at his side.

"Where exactly is he a spy at?" Michonne asked.

"I'll explain it all right now, for the ones who don't know." Spencer spoke loudly, eyeing me.

"Can't wait to here this shit." Daryl muttered.

Kaylie's POV

Ryan stood in his small, dark room, speaking low into the radio. The table candle had blown out with the gust of wind when Negan slammed shut the door.

I waited patiently, mending the family picture with tape. Ryan stood laughing, leaning into a girl who resembled many of his own features. A man stood behind them, hugging a petite, brunette woman.

The door handle shook, then the latch slid across the lock.

The girl from the picture wandered in, a key in between her fingers and a candle. She came to a stop once our eyes met.

Instinctively, I reached for my gun, but nothing was there. I had given my gun to Carl.

I backed away slowly as the girl pulled out her gun.

"Rebecca! Shit, she's a friend." Ryan came out of his room.

"A friend, huh?" She cocked an eyebrow, putting her gun down.

She eyed the picture in my hands, "Your friend tore our only family picture."

Ryan raised his tone, "The guy you fuck every other night did."

Rebecca opener her mouth to say something, but shut it.

Ryan grabbed my arm, "Go get some rest."

I sighed, "I did earlier."

"Not going to introduce me to your friend?" Rebecca smirked.

"Enough. She's the one from Alexandria."

She nodded, "So why did you need me?"

"I need to have enough time to slip past Negan's office." He almost pleaded.

Rebecca rolled her eyes, "It's not my night with that pig."

I silently made my way towards the other room, my hand on the rigid walls. The only light came from the candles along the counter.

"Kaylie." Ryan's voice caught my attention.

My eyes tried to picture a face in the darkness, but it left me staring at a pool of shadows. The flickering fire made a rough outline, but not enough to tell either it was Ryan, or his sister.

I nodded, then realized he wouldn't be able to see my head, or even myself. Before I spoke, he responded as if he saw my acknowledgement.

"Stay where I can see you." His voice had an ounce of concern.

Step after step, I found myself against the small couch. Rebecca placed the candle on the center of the coffee table. Her face light up, literally. The striking resemblance between herself and her brother scared me even more.

"I need to get into security and screw more things up." Ryan laughed dryly.

A moment of silence passed before his sister responded.

"Consider it done. Better get used to candles every night, too. But you're going to have to compensate me."

"Anything you want, it's granted."

Rebecca's teeth appeared, a wide smile. "We go live at the Hilltop Colony or Alexandria, if it's still standing."

Ryan didn't have the chance to respond, Rebecca already was at the door.

"Use all the power you can right now, we won't be seeing it again, at least here." She said, shutting the door.

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