Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I sat on the couch, eating the warmed pieces of stale bread.

"We are done with Negan, we've been waiting till the right time." Ryan want on.

"How are you guys going to do it?" I said siting up.

Ryan shrugged, "I don't want to have to kill him, but let's hope it doesn't get that."

"What?" I was confused, after all Negan's done to them, he would let him live.

"I'm not into that, unless it's the only option left. I think people are forgetting we aren't the enemies, the ones that've changed are."

I admired him for a moment, then realizing he reminded me of myself. Myself, before I became into what I am now.

"What did he do to Dwight?"

Ryan laid back into the couch, "Long story, I'll make it short for you. Basically Dwight's wife had to leave to Negan's womanizer purposes, but Dwight met with her secretly. Negan found out, public burning to the face."

"So how am I going to help you guys?"

"Negan likes you, we need an insider." He hinted.

"I can't even stand being around him for five minutes." I admitted.

He laughed, "Don't worry, you'll be prepared once I teach you some things."

"Because you are just such a professional." I smirked.

"17 years of nothing but hardship, I think I can teach you how to deal with Negan."

As I was about to speak, an off-pitched voice spoke through static.

"The girl with you? I need to talk to her." Negan's voice broke out.

Ryan glanced the direction it was coming from, then back towards me.

He grabbed the radio, pressing a button, bringing it close to his mouth.

"You just missed her, she's out of it. Just leave it all for tomorrow." His eyes flicked up towards mine.

"You think she'll be good or not?"

Ryan hesitated before speaking, "She's probably 15 years old, got in a fight with her parents at Alexandria, and ran here to get away. She could probably do a lot, but you can never tell when they'll snap. I'll keep an eye on her, but don't expect things to be right away. It's going to take a while."

Negan didn't respond, silence filling the room.

"I just don't want another fucking mouth to feed. Might as well throw her with the women to work, or bring her up with my wives." He laughed.

"No, no. She's better than that, you'll see. I'll work with her." Ryan ended the conversation.

"I hate that man, so, so much." His fist clenched.

"Why are you doing this? Why help me?"

He walked around the room, grabbing things out of boxes.

"You're here aren't you? Probably don't want to, but it's going to have to work out now."

He handed me a pillow and a few blankets. "There's a mattress in the other room. I'll be back later with some dinner, but get some rest. I have to go talk to Dwight, don't leave if I'm not back."

He was half way out the door, "Lock this right after I'm gone."

I nodded, closing the door after he left. I listened for the bolt slide across the lock.

I entered the other room, which was small, but decorated. A mattress in the corner of the room with a nightstand left of it. The walls were white, with pictures of probably family, band posters, and a map in the center.

I studied the map, looking at the various notes and things highlighted.

Hilltop colony - Alexandria (20 miles apart)


ATL CDC (destructive)

Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. was circled many times, with papers pined to the town.

Date - ?

Washington is the only hope left now. We stopped receiving information after the connections went out. No signs of a sanctuary, but rumors of cure. Edwin Jenner stated the CDC in Washington will have the results he never got out. The ATL CDC was blown up a month after my visit.

I read the papers, full of things he's noticed, or thinks. I grabbed a stack off the table, scanning each.

The infected are getting weaker. I seen many sprawled amongst themselves, hardly moving, bodies intact. We run on food and water, they survive on us. Either our kind is good at hiding, or everyone's dead.

I feel like we are being watched here, like the government knows we are here. I've might of been seeing things, but something is going on and I'm going to find out what.

The CDC looked like no one was home, but I know they're in there. I've noticed groups of infected disappearing quickly, perhaps test subjects.

A loud knock came from the other room along with a voice.

"Open up, Ryan! We need to talk, now." Yelled Negan's voice.

I panicked, putting all the papers back exactly how I found them. Quickly, I tossed the pillow on the bed, and wrapped myself in the blankets, jumping on the mattress.

Negan continued to yell, pounding the door. Suddenly, it all stopped. I could hear the door unlatch, and heavy footsteps enter the room.

"Sorry, just wanted to get her food when she wakes up." Ryan's voice lowered my heartbeat.

"I don't give a fuck, Ryan. I need you to do me a favor."

There was no response for seconds of time.

"I'm not doing that stuff anymore, Negan. I'm trying to change."

"How cute. Does it sound like I care? You live under my rules now, if you forgot. Remember when I killed your parents since they didn't agree? You're lucky I kept your sister alive."

Negan continued, "I need you to get her tied up tomorrow, and put her in the back of the van. I'm going to try to bargain her for more supplies from Alexandria."

"I don't-"

A loud crash against the wall shook it.

"You've been crossing the line, Sadlier. First thing morning be there with the girl." The door slammed shut, with a sound of glass breaking,

Before I could think, my feet moved into the room due to curiosity. Ryan was crouched down, picking pieces of glass off the floor.

A picture, now torn laid below all the edges of glass.

"This might be confusing, but I have a plan, and it involves you going back to Alexandria." He spoke quietly, like he knew I was there.

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