Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The car stopped moving. Two large hands swooped me up.

"Nice shirt." The man mumbled.

To my surprise, I was put in a soft surface.

I heard low whispers, distant yells, and shoes on wood floor.

"Who are you?" Said the man with the deep voice with a hint of an accent.

I swallowed. "Kaylie Reynolds. Please just let me go."

"Where would you go?" A even deeper voice asked.

"I... I don't know." I admitted. I really had to clue.

"She's just a girl, Rick." A woman's voice spoke.

"She's still a threat." I supposed Rick said.

"She didn't kill Carl, an' I think we all want to sometim'." A light voice with a Georgian accent laughed.

"Fine. How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked.


"Whatever you call those thangs." He replied.

"Oh. I don't really count, but plenty."

"Sure." He didn't seem satisfied.

"And humans?" He continued his questionnaire.

"About to be one. He's sitting right in front of me, at the moment."

Laughs burst through the group.

"I'm gonna give you four days to prove yourself worthy. Anythin' happens, I won't mind adding you to the list of people I've killed."

The room was silent.

"Untie her. Carl take her upstairs, I can't handle this thing right now."

I felt hands on the back of my head. The blind fold fell to my lap.

The man in front of me was the same one from the barn.

Carl signaled me to follow him.

Men and women were scattered around the room. Even a blonde haired girl with a baby.

I followed Carl up the stairs, he'd look back every once three steps.

"This room." He pointed to his left.

"We don't have enough room, so you'll be bunking with me."

"Thank you." I sighed.

"Sorry about my dad, he's been-"

"That's your dad?" I asked. "He's a dick."

He put his hands up, "No argument there. I think we all have daddy issues."

"Yeah." I mumbled.

Carl caught on that I didn't want to talk about it.

"How about you tell me stuff about you, and I'll get some antibiotics."

I nodded.

"You're quiet." Carl looked from the seat across from me.

I looked up from the book I was reading, "Best to keep yourself hidden."

He grabbed the book, placing it on the side table. "You're closed off, a shitload of stuff has happened to you."

I smiled, "Depends what's a shitload to you."

His hands played with the rim of his hat, "I killed my mom after she gave birth to my sister."

Then he added quickly, "She was going to turn, but I can't but feel terrible."

My mother never came home, I wanted to tell him, but better to keep closed off.

He stared for a while then cleared his throat, "I'm not asking you to tell me your whole story. Some things about you would be fine."

"Trust me, there's nothing you want to know." I said reaching for my book.

He grinned, grabbing my thigh, "Trust me, there's a lot I would love to know about you."

My heart was slamming against my chest. I froze, unsure of what he was capable of.

He took his hand off after a few more seconds, "Dinnertime."

The group gathered around the table, with saltines and soup at each seat.

"Carl, would you like to say grace?" Rick asked as he took a seat.

"Fuck that." Carl groaned.

"Carl, watch your mouth." Maggie said.

"If God was there, we wouldn't be in this shit, obviously." He said grabbing his plate, and going back upstairs.

"I don't know what to do with him." Rick sighed. At least he forgot about me.

"Or you." His eyes attacked me, like he read my mind.

The blonde girl gave me a reassuring smile.

"He's just been through to much, Rick." The Korean man spoke.

"Lori would of done a better job than I've been." He said finishing his soup.

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