Grown Up

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12 years later:

"In today's Finals of the Knothole Village Annual Sprint-down, we have..." Spoke an announcer with a bullhorn to his face.

"Antoine D'Coolette!!"

Immediately after, a coyote boy stepped out onto the track with a determined face as cheers emerged, mostly from a young rabbit girl named Bunnie.

"Bean the D...Dynamite? BEAN! Put the explosive away or you will be disqualified!"

Snickering was heard from behind the announcer as a green duck stepped out onto the track and waved to the crowd, stopping to wave at a polar bear in the stands.

"Next we have Fang the Weasel!"

Out stepped a purple weasel, smirking and waving to the crowd, making sure to wink at the ladies. Most of the reactions to him were rolling of the eyes and ignorance out of disgust, except for the few cheers coming from the shady looking people under the stands.

"Finally... Sonic the Hedgehog!!!" The announcer yelled, barely controlling his own enthusiasm as cheers erupted in the crowds from all over when the cobalt blue hedgehog stepped out onto the track, smiling all over and waving to everyone.

First, there were the Rabbits, Cream and her mother, Vanilla, who had become good friends with Sonic and his friends. Then, there was Mayor Maximillian, joined by his family which included his wife and daughter, Sally, a pretty squirrel lass. The mayor had developed a good relationship with the hedgehog due to his daughter being good friends with him and unknown to the boy, developing a huge crush on him. As Sonic waved to everyone, he finally stopped to wave to 5 people that had become his closest family. The first was Uncle Chuck, who had been his father-figure all his life and had taught him everything he knew. Then there was his little brother Manic the Hedgehog, a young, green hedgehog who was as mischievous as his brother and loved to play the drums. His magical drums that he was able to call on at will, thanks to his medallion, were his prized possessions. He dreamed of becoming a rockstar, but unlike most of them, he had his eyes on only one girl, a pretty brown squirrel that crushed on his brother. Next to him, a young two-tailed fox by the name of Tails, Sonic's best friend. Tails' belongings had shown that his parents had named him "Miles Prower" before abandoning him. But everyone called him "Tails" because of his two-tails and he loved the name, dropping his old name. He would sometimes allow his old name to surface, as long as it was only from a certain peach-colored rabbit girl. Next to him was Sonic and Manic's triplet sister, Sonia the Hedgehog, a beautiful violet-pink hedgehog that was one of the village's 3 jewels. She loved her brothers quite dearly and they loved her back, though Manic showed it by teasing and pranking her, Sonic was always nice to her and she always felt security from her protective blue brother. Finally, sitting next to Sonia was her best friend, a gorgeous pink hedgehog by the name of Amy Rose. She was a sweet girl who had the ability to brighten anyone's day. Though she was best friends with Sonia, she was also very close with Cream the Rabbit and all of Sonic's other friends. Speaking of the blue hedgehog, she and him had developed a special unbreakable bond, from a very young age. From the youngest age, they would always be seen playing together in the orphanage. If Amy wasn't with Sonia or Cream, she would definitely be with Sonic. The two spent hours together, joking, sharing laughs, and speaking their hearts out to each other. They trusted each other with their lives and Amy wouldn't have it any other way. It was the immense amount of trust she had in the boy, his friendly personality that always made her smile, and the security she felt when he hugged her, that caused her to fall in love with the young hedgehog. However, it didn't help that she didn't have the courage to tell him.

As Sonic looked over at his closest friends, he stopped to wave at Vanilla and Cream, gave a wink to Sally, who swooned over the action, gave two thumbs-up to Manic, Tails, Sonia, and Uncle Chuck, and when he finally reached Amy, he simply stared into her gorgeous jade eyes and smiled at her. The two didn't need words to be said as he knew what she wanted to say from her beautiful smile and look.

"You've already won, just waiting for the trophy to come home, right? No matter, Good luck... Sonikku!"

He could tell from that smirk on her face that she was thinking of that name. He blushed as he thought about it. He had told her that he didn't like it, though it didn't stop her from using it, he secretly loved the name. With that final thought, he looked back to the track as he heard the announcer beginning the final countdown.

"5..... 4..... 3..... 2....." He glanced one last time to his friends, to Amy, and nodded.


A whistle blew to begin the race and less than a second later, a sonic boom was heard as a blue trail of light appeared, showing a figure standing at the finish line on the other side of the village, grinning ear to ear with his thumbs up.

They grow up so fast *sniff*. I'll do my best to keep a solid update schedule but I'll make sure that I never go more than a week between updates. More Sonamy goodness is showing up 😍😍 Sorry Sonally/Shadamy/etc., I despise all shippings that pair Sonic/Amy with a character that isn't either of them. Sorry that's just the way I am 😁 Hope you guys are enjoying it so far!!

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