Once every Thousand Years...

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Only a few days ago, Sonic saved Cream, Sonia, and Amy from being kidnapped by robots. Since then, the crew has returned to normal life. Except today is a special occasion because today is the birthday of the 3 hedgehog triplets. Like any other party, they had fun, ate tons of food, and with a Manic in the house, the partying seemed to never stop. Eventually, the adults returned home and the fun calmed down.

Now it was nearing the end of a fantastic day, and the hedgehogs were opening birthday presents from their friends. Actually, it was just Sonic left opening his gifts as Manic and Sonia had already opened theirs.

"Guys, calm down!! I know you love your presents, but sit down for mine like I sat for yours." Sonic yelled impatiently, waiting for his siblings to sit down with him for his present openings.

"Fineeeeeeee" replied his siblings.

As his friends and family finally gathered around him, Sonic began opening his gifts.

"Alright here we go with Cream and Vanilla's present first. " *tearing foil off* "Ooooohhhh Chili Dogs!! I love your Chili dogs, Vanilla! Thank you so much! And thank you For the cake, Cream!" Sonic exclaimed, as chili dogs could be seen in his eyes.

"You're very welcome, Sonic. It's the very least I could do for you saving my little Creamy those few days ago." Vanilla replied.

"Yea, your welcome, Sonic! Thanks for saving me!" The young rabbit walked up to the hedgehog and placed a flower crown on his head as she hugged him. The others smiled on at the sight as Sonic returned to opening his gifts.

"From Sonia and Manic: NEW GUITAR PICKS!! I have a feeling this was all Sonia right?" He asked, suspicious.

Manic looked down as he said,

"Alright... you got me. I couldn't find anything good enough." He replied with a cheeky grin, as everyone laughed.

"Alright... well next we have Sally: Quill polisher? Awesome! Thanks Sal!" Sonic was once again excited as Sally blushed from the use of her nickname.

"Your very welcome, Sonic. And Daddy says Happy Birthday as well!"

"Tell him I said, Thanks!" Replied the boy.

"3 more to go! Here we got, Uncle Chuck's present..." The boy was left speechless when he opened the gift to reveal red running shoes with golden buckles across the middle that looked like they were made to run.

"Uncle Chuck... these are amazing!!!"

"I know how much you've been wanting new shoes, my boy. Happy Birthday... may you always find happiness." Chuck smiled, with a hint of nervousness.

"Okay, second to last, we have... Tails!!!" He got to a small package when he announced the fox's name. Opening it, he found a pair of keys.

"Keys? What are these for Tails?" The hedgehog asked in wonder.

Tails bounced up and down excitedly as he motioned the others to follow him outside where they found a red and white Bi-plane with the name "Sonic" printed across the sides.

"I found this in the woods a few weeks ago. I've been working on it since then. Do ya like it, Sonic?" The fox asked excitedly.

"Do I like it?! What kind of question is that?! This is amazing, Tails! I love it!" The hedgehog answered back.

As they went inside, Sonic noticed that he had finally reached the 1 gift he had been waiting for forever: Amy's gift. But before he could open it, his Uncle Chuck interrupted.

"Sonic... before you open that last present... there's something I've been meaning to tell you something important... something I should have told you a long time ago. But today I have to tell you, because I think you're ready to hear it, and I can't keep this in any longer."

Sonic gazed up at his Uncle as he began to speak.

"I always told you three that your mother passed away moments after your birth, and left you here for me to take care of you. The truth is... I didn't see you until you were 1 and a 1/2 years old. I first saw you one day when I went out to get water from the river. A basket floating in the river came ashore, carrying all 3 of you. I found a letter with you as well... from my sister."

Sonic, Sonia, and Manic's eyes widened, as they realized that the mother they had believed was dead for so long may actually be alive.

"You 3 are the children of Queen Aleena the Hedgehog. The Queen of our fair planet. I'm sure you have questions as to why she abandoned you and what happened. Let me begin a story that began long ago..."

*Insert dramatic pause*

"Our planet was once a peaceful place. Under the rule of the Hedgehogs, the kingdom of Möbius prospered. Even after the death of the king, Aleena ruled us to a Golden Age. However, one day, we had a visitor from a distant planet called Earth. Turns out, the visitor was alone, but he had a dark purpose. He created soldiers from steel, able to wield lasers, and tried to overthrow the crown. At first, we believed that it was just another idiot, greedy for power. But it all went wrong, when the hedgehogs turned to his side. The hedgehogs were always an elite race, so when they gave their services to Robotnik, he betrayed them, taking their essence, and using it to power his creations, creating super robots. With a seemingly unstoppable military force, the War of Möbius began. By then, the last hedgehogs left were me and your mother, who was very pregnant with you. When we started the war, we had little hope, until the Oracle of Delphius told us a prophecy...."

He paused to take a breath before continuing.

"Every thousand years, a blue hedgehog is born. One with the potential to bring a broken civilization back to glory or start a new Golden Age. The Oracle prophesized that if we lost the war, a blue hedgehog, a true legend, would rise to undo the wrongs of the planet and bring justice to those who deserve it."

He looked at Sonic as he said,

"Sonic, my boy. You are the Legend who will save us."

This chapter kinda sucks guys. Not that much Sonamy, sorry. The point of this chapter was for Sonic and the crew to learn about his origins. I promise next chapter will be better. I was kinda busy today... Hope you're enjoying the story!!

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