Plans Change

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Far in the North, stood a kingdom, unusual lights shining from all around. Looking closely, one would be able to see thousands of robots either moving around, doing work, or simply standing at guard as they watched the perimeter. Normally, the numbers wouldn't be so great in the kingdom walls. However, in recent years, rebellion had pushed the advance of the Empire far back to the point where the leader had to heavily fortify the kingdom with troops due to fear of a rebel invasion. However, the root of the problem was not the rebellion - it was a rebel... or more specifically, it was a cobalt blue hedgehog.

In the middle of the kingdom, stood a now roboticized castle, and inside that castle was a throne room - now a central HQ. On one side of the room sat a wall covered in TV screens with a computer desk facing it, on the other side was an egg-shaped figure with glasses pacing the room back and forth as he listened to the multiple TVs.

"Only a week ago Sonic the Hedgehog pushed back yet another advance by Robotnik's forces!"

"Thanks to the efforts of Sonic the Hedgehog..."

"In other words, Sonic the Hedgehog..."

"A highlight of Sonic the Hedgehog's most impressive feats..."

"We love you, Sonic!!!"

"Sonic, Sonic, Sonic, SONIC!!!" The egg-shaped figure, or Robotnik roared.

"How hard can it be to stop a single stupid hedgehog?! Of course with numbskulls like you, it doesn't surprise me that he has consistently destroyed the lot of you." He continued to spew out his frustrations, not noticing the hooded green-figure walk out from behind him.

"Do you believe the prophecy now, Robotnik? The hedgehog of legend is easily stopping you at all your feats. Clearly, the prophecy is true. Yet you continue to doubt my visions." Spoke the Oracle of Delphius, his hands cuffed behind his back.

Robotnik let out another groan in frustration,

"E-11! Didn't I tell you to get rid of this old man?!"

He looked at the robot to see its head in the robot' hands as it started sparking. Robotnik made a "😑" face as he looked at the Oracle.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't believe in your stupid 'visions of the future'? The Hedgehog royalty may have believed in your superstitions but I sure as hell don't. As far as I see it, Science is the gateway to the future. All is possible through science. And a scientist like me is fit to be a god in this world." He finished with a smirk of triumph as he looked at the Oracle, surprised and irked to see him chuckling.

"These petty thoughts are what shall be your downfall, remember that. You have incredible knowledge, knowledge that can easily defeat the intellectual minds of some of the planet's greatest scientists. You could easily use your knowledge to bring a Golden Age to this planet, work together with people. But you use your intellects to bring destruction and to control others...that is what is wrong. That-"

"Enough. Simply enough. I told you to leave once, Oracle. If you do not leave at once, I will have to allow my minions to engage in less humane activities." Robotnik interrupted him as he put his hand up and turned back to the screen.

The Oracle nodded as he began to walk away. But before leaving, he turned to tell the Egg-man his final thoughts,

"I thought that you might change for the better. I sensed that the "darkness" in your heart is not natural, it was brought forth by an external force, what it was, I know not. I wish you luck in your future and your endeavors. Please excuse me." The Oracle finally left with one last secret thought,

"Sonic the Hedgehog... so that is your name. I must find you... so that you may finally find your destiny and your family."

Robotnik pressed his forehead, attempting to soothe his growing headache as he continued to watch the different TVs which still displayed images of that damn blue hedgehog. He had to have some sort of weakness. His thoughts were interrupted when a robot broke into the room,

"Lord Robotnik! We have made a discovery of the ages! It's like nothing you've ever seen!"

The man turned to the robot to hear this "amazing" news that he was sure was just another sighting of tailed-green frogs. For some reason, the robots had been extremely intrigued by the tailed frogs.

"Well... are you waiting for Christmas? Speak up!"

"Our expeditions across the planet which we had believed to be failures turned out to be successful! Across this world, our forces discovered 7 gems emanating powerful auras. Closer inspection also revealed the gems to release incredible amounts of energy. This is not of the expedition groups stumbled upon ancient ruins near the Floating Islands which showed carvings in the walls of the 7 gems. After careful translation, we discovered that these gems, actually called Chaos Emeralds, are indeed, powerful energy sources and when one being controls all 7, he is awarded limitless power. In ancient times, the echidna's served as the protectors of the Emeralds while the hedgehogs served as elite warriors. An interesting thing to note is that every thousand years, a cobalt-blue hedgehog was born, chosen by the emeralds, who could wield them to bring forth Golden Ages or to end crisis."

"So the Oracle's prophecy was partly true... interesting..." Robotnik continued to listen.

"Sadly, a large portion of the hieroglyphics were worn out so not all the information was translated but-"

"That's good! That's enough! We have all the information we need! Well done, E-52! Time for a change in plans." He interrupted the robot as he started to laugh before speaking into a microphone.

"All Eggpawns, Attention! Orders have now changed. I will be sending plans to all your databases but to make a brief synopsis! Colonization efforts are at a halt from this point forward! New mission objective is to find the Chaos Emeralds! Begin your tasks effective immediately!" He ordered the commands into the microphone as the robot behind him ran off. Robotnik himself began to leave the room when he heard a single sentence from one of the TVs.

"As far as we know, Sonic the Hedgehog has returned to his home at Knothole Kingdom for a well deserved break from fighting."

Robotnik grinned as he heard that sentence,

"Perfect... while my forces find the Emeralds... I'll do a little research on our little friend here. I'm sure your weakness lies in Knothole, Sonic... and I intend to find it out. No matter what it takes."

So not the most SonAmy or romance chapter. But we couldn't just spend all our time with that mushiness. We had to know what that Egg was doing. And by the looks of it, nothing good can come out of it. Hope y'all are enjoying the story!! 😁😁

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