Troubles A'brewing

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(Warning: minor adult references)

Even a soul with limitless energy such as Sonic the Hedgehog could find sleep despite the most confusing dreams or the most haunting nightmares. Amy woke up from her peaceful sleep, laying on a cozy pile of fur, wrapped in two familiar arms which made her makeshift blanket. Amy tilted her head up to behold Sonic's own peaceful face. She was used to looking up at this view and getting lost in his emerald eyes. However, this time, she was completely content with just admiring his calm facade. The dark shades under his eyes didn't go unnoticed by Amy and she knew in that instant that Sonic had been up almost all night after their talk. That's why she decided not to wake him up. Carefully, unwrapping his arms from around her, Amy jumped down from the tree when she found the rest of her friends over by the Tornado, eating breakfast.

Cream noticed Amy first, waving at her.

"Good morning, Amy!" Cream called to the hedgehog.

Amy smiled back. "Good morning, Cream! Good morning, everyone!"

The rest of the group happily replied back with their morning greetings. Amy sat down to find plates waffles and pancakes thanks to Tails incorporating a miniature kitchen into the Tornado.

"Tails, you never cease to amaze us!" Sonia told the fox as she bit into one of her waffles.

Tails scratched the back of his head, a habit he acquired from Sonic. "Thanks, Sonia."

With that short conversation, everyone was silent again save for the sounds of Manic's ravenous chewing.

Finally, Knuckles noticed something which the others either hadn't noticed or simply didn't address.

"Sonic still asleep?" He asked, taking a bite out of his pancake

Amy waited a moment to answer. "Ya... we had a long night..."

Knuckles began choking on his pancake while the others turned their full attention to Amy. Manic stared at her, mouth wide open with syrup dripping out.

Amy immediately realized what she said and started waving her hands frantically.

"No! No! Guys, not like that! I mean he just had trouble sleeping!"

Everyone calmed down and resumed eating while keeping their attention on Amy.

"I wouldn't be that upset about being an aunt already but..." Sonia teased.

Amy gasped. "Sonia?!"

Sonia laughed, earning chuckles from Sally as well.

Tails, however, was more interested in Sonic.

"Was Sonic hurt or something, Amy?" He asked.

Amy shook her head. "No... he woke up in the middle of the night and told me had this weird dream."

As soon as Amy mentioned 'weird dream,' Sonia and Manic were suddenly very focused on the conversation.

"Did you say 'weird dream?" Manic asked her.

Amy turned her attention to Manic. "Yea, why?"

Sonia spoke up instead. "Did Sonic tell you what it was about?"

Amy thought back, recalling Sonic telling her about some woman coming to speak to him in his dream. About a warning...

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