The Chaos Emeralds

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King Maximillian Acorn sat atop his throne, watching as Chuck and the Oracle of Delphius caught up. Taking a look at Chuck, he was reminded of the older hedgehog's blue nephew. He remembered from the other day when Sally was upset about Amy and Sonic. King Acorn had never noticed the relationship of Sally and Manic. Always blinded by his daughter's crush on Sonic, he failed to notice the genuine care and unknown love between them. His thoughts began to centralize around the possibility of Sonic and his daughter becoming the heirs to his throne.

Hmmmm... the way things are looking... if Sonic continues the way he is right now, then we might be able to destroy Robotnik's empire for good.

A thought struck his head and if one had looked close enough, they'd have seen a lightbulb flash above Maximillian's head for a split second. A smile came across his face as he went over his plan.

PERFECT! THAT'S IT! I'll be able to solve my problem for a worthy heir and Sally's childhood wish will come true! Why didn't I think of this sooner? Sonic's a wonderful boy! Respectful, intelligent, and he's a prince anyway. I'll offer him the position as King of Knothole by marrying Sally! There's no way he could reject a formal offer like that from royalty!

The King had another quick thought as his smile suddenly dropped slightly.

Amy Rose... now she's won his affections. I still believe she's only masquerading as a nice girl. If Chuck didn't trust her, she would be in jail by now. If I want Sonic to accept my proposals, she'll have to be removed from the equation.

The King was broken out of his thoughts when the hedgehog, or hedgehogs he'd been thinking of burst into the room. Sonic walked in, nervously chuckling with... bruise marks? He was carrying Amy who had her arms crossed and looked less than pleased. Immediately after placing her on the ground she glared at him, causing the blue one to flinch as he put his hands up. The Rose crossed her arms and looked away from him, making a "hmph." Though Amy was upset with Sonic for some unknown reason, Sonic found the situation comical. Not only that, but he help chuckling at how cute Amy looked when her face scrunched up into that scowl. Maximillian slightly chuckled to himself as he watched them, Sonic trying to pacify Amy, who would keep looking at opposite sides as Sonic would try to talk to her face. The squirrel king grinned, internally. If these two were having an argument this early on in their relationship, then he was certain that the two wouldn't be able to stay together for long. Sally would be able to claim the blue hero as her own mate. Before he delved deeper into his thoughts, Maximillian decided to pay attention to the current events occurring before his eyes.

Though Sonic wanted to get Amy to forgive him for what he'd done, he thought that for the moment, the best thing would be to just leave her be. He stopped trying to cheer her up and walked up to the Oracle and Uncle Chuck. Grabbing their attention, he cleared his throats slightly.

"You wanted to say something, Sonic?" Asked Uncle Chuck.

"Well not say, but I had a question... regarding this weird jewel that I... we found in the forest." Sonic answered back, Amy slowly making her way to the front with him.

"Well ask away, lad" Sonic's Uncle replied without hesitation.

Sonic looked back at Amy who still looked annoyed with him but nodded. He gave a nervous smile and took a deep breath before looking back at the Oracle and his Uncle.

"So yesterday, I don't know if you noticed but Amy and I left the ball sort of early. We had a lot of fun by ourselves." He noticed the wide-eyed stares given to him from the King, his Uncle, and the Oracle and realized what he had just said. He blushed profusely, waving his hands at them as he looked back to see Amy blushing hard, facing away from them as well.

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