Knuckles the Echidna

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Sonic was caught in quite the triangular staredown. To his left side, Robotnik and his stupid robots. To his right, a steamed red echidna, which based off of how easily it destroyed a giant armored EggPawn only moments before, meant business.

"I'm sorry, did you say your name was 'Knuckles'?" Manic asked, trying his best to suppress a giggle.

The red echidna ignored his question and looked angrily towards Sonic and his crew.

"If you won't leave my island willingly, you leave me no other choice but to use force!" Knuckles bellowed, smashing his fists into the ground creating huge tremors.

As the 2 other sides fought to keep their balance, Tails looked back at the Tornado to see it shaking, its landing gear fighting to keep its structure.

Tails turned to Sonic. "Sonic! We gotta get outta here! The Tornado can't withstand much more of this shaking!"

Sonic nodded at him, prompting the rest of the group to retreat to the jet and make a hasty retreat into the forest.

As Knuckles watched the Sonic Crew retreat into the forest, he growled.

'I'll get them later, first I'll take care of these 3'

As he finished his thought, he looked at Robotnik, Orbot, and Cubot, all 3 just recovering from the quakes.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my island?!"

The Robotnik trio recoiled from his voice, the two robots looking up at their master, waiting for the outcome of the Echidna finding out their intentions at the island. Fortunately for them, Robotnik had better ideas. If things would work out his way, he'd have a great new ally that may actually take care of Sonic once and for all.

"Knuckles the Echidna! It is such a pleasure to finally meet you! My name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik. I come from a grand city in the North called Robotropolis. We have lived in harmony for decades. However, recently we have been being attacked by a great evil. That evil is Sonic the Hedgehog - the same blue hedgehog that was here earlier. Sonic is selfish, relentless, manipulative, and feels no remorse. His plan? - take over the world using the power of the Key."

Knuckles' eyes widened at that last statement. Robotnik nodded in understanding, smirking on the inside.

"Yes, the very Key you protect today. Knowing his plan, I set out to beat him to it and warn you. Unfortunately, it seems he has created a large following - those allies of his from earlier. They took out my transport ship, leaving me stranded here with those poor robots to protect me." The fat man paused.

"Knuckles... you must stop Sonic. If you don't, he'll take the Key and take over the world as we know it."

Knuckles stared at the man with wide eyes, the information sinking in, before he shot in the direction that the Tornado had gone in.

As Robotnik watched the Echidna go, he started cackling uncontrollably.

"Who would've thought that the Guardian of the Master Emerald would be so gullible?"

The Tornado finally came to a stop on the banks of a large lake on the other side of the island. Upon landing, its crew immediately exited the aircraft and tried to get over the initial adrenaline rush from their first encounter on the adventure. Sonic alone remained somewhat calm, taking the time to run laps around the perimeter of the lake.

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