Author's Note - Q&A and Avatar

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Hello to everyone that still reads Sonic The Hedgehog: The Legend Begins! Sorry that this isn't another chapter but at the same time, not-sorry because if I released the next chapter already, it wouldn't be at its full potential! Anyway this is just a quick author's note and I thought I'd make this because of some stuff I've been thinking about lately. So a friend of mine found out about my story and decided to Google it and found it to be one of the biggest Sonic The Hedgehog/SonAmy stories out there right now (THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR THAT, THIS IS SO AWESOME!)! She also saw some of the messages I've been getting from some of you and what stuck out to us was the suggestion that I should a Q&A and I should make my own personal OC. I've been thinking about both and I think it'd be really cool to do both of those. The OC that I make to represent myself won't be used in any stories however, unless in his own solo story. As for the Q&A, just shoot me any questions you can think of over this next week and I'll answer them all in another chapter as long as they aren't too personal! Also, all you artists out there, I'm not the best at that kind of stuff so if you think you can create an image of my OC based off the qualities I describe of him, then you guys will be some of my favorite people ever and I'll think of a way to reward you. Anyway, thanks again to all of you readers, you guys are amazing! What can I say?

The_An_Bruh OUT

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