SonAmy Shenanigans

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After the issue with the Eggpawns and the jewel, Sonic and Amy decided that the best course of action would be to bring the gem to the Oracle tomorrow. He'd probably know what it was. He ran Amy home, giving her a blissful kiss goodnight, and then he ran around the perimeter of the kingdom, the jewel tucked safely in his quills. However, what Sonic never noticed was that the jewel had begun to glow slightly as it had come into contact with him.

Back when Sonic was younger, running around the village was his method of clearing his head, the wind simply carrying all the weight off of his shoulders as he felt the feeling of freedom. After he left, he was no longer confined to the perimeters of village of Knothole, so when he needed to clear his head, he'd run anywhere. Now that Sonic was back home, it felt right to use the same methods he had always grown up using.

Running around the kingdom at his pace that kept him from being detected by enemies, he opened up his brain to all the thoughts running through.

Sonic's thoughts (3rd person):

The jewel... Why did it feel like he had seen it before? And what was the jewel. How had it give the Eggpawn so much power that it could even fight back against Sonic. He felt a deep connection to it... like it amplified all the emotions he felt at the moment. Happiness... from being home after so long. Sadness... from the longing of his mother. Anger... for all the things Robotnik was doing to the people of his wonderful planet. And Love... Amy

Ames... ahhh there were just so many words in the world that could try to describe her but they'd never do her justice. She was just so sweet... so pretty... It was some ungodly hour of the morning right now, but just thinking about her, he couldn't sleep. Remembering her beautiful features just brought out his excitement. Though they had confessed their love to each other, he wasn't sure if this was love or infatuation. Whatever this feeling was that flew around in his heart and helped him break the sound barrier even easier, Sonic found that he liked it... he liked it a lot. He knew that whatever was to come in his future... it would have to include Amy.

Sonic's Thoughts close:

Sonic finally broke out of his thoughts, realizing how late into the night it was. Deciding now was the best time to sleep, he found the largest tree in the kingdom, running to it and jumping up into the branches to lay down like he had slept for the last few years. Yup... this beat any bed in the world. Sonic slowly took one last look around the kingdom, seeing Tails' garage, Vanilla and Cream's house, Uncle Chuck and his siblings' home. He looked at the semi-large castle behind him and then he finally took a look at the pink house of Amy Rose. Looking through the small, circular window on the top floor, he could see Amy on her side, wrapped in her blanket, smiling with her eyes closed as she breathed calmly in her sleep. Sonic grew his own smile as he finally closed his eyes and laid his head back against the tree.

Amy awoke in the morning at her usual time. Stretching and yawning, she recalled her all that had occurred in the last day. She smiled as she remembered how her blue knight had returned home. She'd dreamt many nights before of his return and the romantic things he'd do with/for her. Her dream last night was no different, except now her reality was better than any dream she could have of Sonic. Amy got up to look out through the small, circular window in her room. Soaking in the view of the bright sunny day, the cumulus clouds floating over the land, and the large tree that sat in the middle, looking over the entire kingdom. After a few minutes of sightseeing, Amy decided to do her morning routine and head out. Humming a familiar beat, "My Sweet Passion," she smiled as the song reminded her of the blue hero. As she finished getting ready, she grabbed a quick bite of breakfast before running out into town, greeting everyone who she passed as she always would. Finally reaching her destination, she knocked on the front door of Uncle Chuck's house, only to have it opened by Sonia.

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