Angel Island

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Night time on Möbius had always been peaceful. The only sounds were those of nature and the soothing songs of the Chaos. It was surprising, really. The recent years of war on the planet would most likely have disrupted the peace everywhere constantly but here it was, still as tranquil as ever. What was it about the night time that kept the horrors of war from polluting its peace? No one knew, but everyone allowed it to soothe them and recover for the following day. Tonight was different though, and not because of war. The peace was disrupted by the sound of an engine as a jet flew over the beach, rapidly moving feet right next to it. Only 2 pairs of eyes were open at this time, the rest tired and asleep.

"Sonic... aren't you at least a little tired?" Tails asked his brother, looking down at him from the cockpit as he ran next to the jet.

Sonic laughed.

"Heh... Tails buddy, you forget who you're talking to? I'm Sonic the Hedgehog! I never get tired!"

Tails looked at him with an amused and unconvinced face.

"Sonic, even when at this speed and distance from each other, I can see the redness in your eyes. You need to take a break."

The hedgehog sweat-dropped.

"Alright, so maybe running for 3 days straight wasn't the best idea." Sonic chuckled as he finished.

Tails laughed back.

"Ya think? I can't believe you've been carrying Amy for these 3 days straight without dropping her or something!" They both looked at the pink hedgie who was nestled into Sonic's chest, sleeping peacefully.

Sonic's eyes which were scrunched up in focus only moments ago softened as he looked down at the Rose in his arms.

Sonic let out a peaceful sigh.

"I'd have stopped running a long time before I dropped her. There's no way I'd let her get hurt, buddy."

Sonic continued to look down at the girl. How peaceful she looked in her sleep. Seeing her beautiful face, Sonic was reminded that there was right and goodness in this world. He bent his head down and kissed her forehead, earning a subconscious smile from the sleeping beauty in his arms.

Tails looked on at the tender display from his brother and smiled. It was a long time since he had seen all his friends and family so happy. It was funny how Sonic simply being amongst them could bring the best out in all of them. It had been a long time since he had seen his sister so happy. Now that Sonic was back, seeing Amy's smile made his own smile almost constant. Finally, there was Cream. He looked to the other side at the peach-colored rabbit who had refused to leave his side, sleeping soundly in the co-pilot seat next to him. Looking back at Sonic, he wondered if what they felt for their significant others was the same.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you both so happy." Tails told Sonic, truthfully.

Sonic looked up at his little brother and grinned.

"Heh... guess that's just a product of having someone to love." Sonic replied before looking at the horizon ahead of them.

Tails smiled and nodded before looking up and following Sonic's gaze. He suddenly knew that what Sonic felt for Amy was the same as what he felt for Cream.


The hedgehog looked up at Tails.

"Yea, buddy?"

Tails paused before speaking up.

"We'll always be best friends, right?"

Sonic the Hedgehog: A Legend Begins (SonAmy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz