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"Thank you so much for letting us stay here, ma'am."

The older hedgehog took a seat across the room and smiled at Sonia.

"Not a problem, my dear. And I apologize for my behavior as well. One can never be too secure these days." She replies to the violet hedgehog.

"Ya, sorry for being so rude, miss! I was just worried."

The old hedgehog turned to Manic and shook her head.

"All is forgiven, young man. Please rest assured now, you all may stay as long as you need."

The siblings smiled, looking down at the blue hedgehog in bed.

"Get well soon, Sonic."

The old hedgehog's eyes shot open.


"I have all kinds of good news, Lord Robotnik! You are now in possession of 6 of the 7 emeralds and Hyper Metal Sonic is at 100% functionality!" Orbit exclaimed to the man in the chair.

Robotnik grinned as he turned around.

"You forgot the best news of all: I just beat Sonic! Hahahaha hoooo!"

The mad scientist turned back around to look at his monitors.

"Why did it take me so long to realize that the best weapon against him was himself?" He stood up and turned to the 5 cages in the back of the room.

"Now you lot can bare witness as my empire finally claims full possession of Mobius! With no hedgehog to stop me!"

Knuckles glared at the scientist with rage while Tails and Sally comforted Cream. Finally, in the last cage sat Amy Rose. Even after hours of sobbing, with all her tears shed, she let a single tear escape.

"Please be okay, Sonic... We need you"
Sonic's subconscious:

The Blue Blur sped through the endless fields covered in fog.

"Interesting... even after such an embarrassing defeat, your subconscious mind functions just as mindlessly as the real thing." Came the deep voice Sonic had grown used to hearing.

He didn't flinch as he stopped running to meet his darker self.

"Running helps, man. You should try it more. Maybe then, you won't look like a monster." Sonic grinned.

Dark Sonic's grin hardly faltered.

"You still don't understand do you? I am you. If I am a monster, then so are you."

"Then if I was defeated, doesn't that mean you were too?"

Dark Sonic smirked, "In a sense, yes. But that was your mind in control. Which is why I have a proposition for you, Sonic."

Sonic stopped grinning in confusion.

"What's the deal?"

"Let me take control."

Sonic stepped back, "What?"

Dark Sonic's sadistic smile grew.

"Let me take control of your conscious, Sonic. Together, my mind in your body, we will destroy the metallic menace and the fat man and anyone else that tries to stop us. Then nothing can stop us as we lead this world into a new golden age!"

Sonic stared wide-eyed, searching for an answer. It sounded tempting. He'd be done with Robotnik and his new creation and everything would be normal, right? He opened his mouth to accept but the words never came out, as he heard a familiar, sweet voice.

Sonic the Hedgehog: A Legend Begins (SonAmy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora