Dreams and Nightmares

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Sonic peered out around himself. Scratching his head, he was more confused now than he'd ever been listening to Tails speaking Science. All around him was black... everything. In fact, if he didn't feel the floor underneath him as he tapped his feet, he'd be certain that he was floating in space.


He called out, waiting for a reply, even though he knew no one was there. Sonic decided that standing around wasn't going to accomplish anything, so he did the one thing he always did when he didn't know what was going on - he ran.

The perks of being in utter blackness was the fact that there was no obstacles hindering Sonic. Very soon, Sonic was grinning again, a sonic boom breaking out behind him as he dashed through the blackness, almost having forgotten that he was seemingly nowhere.

That's when he heard the calling...


Sonic stopped instantly. He definitely was not imagining things. He had definitely heard a voice calling to him.


The voice called out, Sonic began searching for the direction of the voice, searching for a name to connect to the voice.


The call rang out again, and Sonic realized that it was a woman calling. He ran towards the voice, hoping to find this person that kept calling out to him. As he ran, he couldn't help but wonder why the voice sounded so familiar...

He finally stopped when he caught sight of a woman ahead of him. The woman was facing away from him. She was covered in robes and a shawl, hiding herself in the dark, yet her presence radiated light. As if she knew he was there, she turned around to face him, yet Sonic still couldn't see her face.

"Sonic..." She called to him.

"Who are you, lady?" Sonic asked her, uncomfortable with this stranger.

The woman completely ignored him as she spoke,

"An enemy awaits you that will test your limits. Take caution, my boy. Destiny calls for you... You must show the Servers of Chaos the strength of your courage. A reunion awaits you, the likes of which you have not seen for many years... Until then, my boy..."

The mysterious lady began to fade into the darkness around them.

"Wait! You never told me who you were!" Sonic ran towards the woman, reaching out to her. He kept running but the distance between them didn't change at all.

Finally, the woman disappeared into the shadows, causing a shockwave to erupt which threw Sonic back onto his back. Shaking his head as he opened his eyes, Sonic was surprised to find himself in the familiar hills of Greenhill Zone. Problem was that it was raining.

Usually, the rain would instantly push Sonic into a dash for the nearest roof to crash under, however he felt unfazed by this rain. It bounced off of him, yet he couldn't feel the wetness of the water droplets on his fur. Sonic stared into the sky, mesmerized by this phenomenon. However, after a couple minutes of staring, he heard the footsteps of another nearby.

Ears twitching, he fixated his gaze in the direction of the footsteps to find a sight that left him breathless.

At first, Sonic thought he was staring at a mirror. However, when he realized the absence of the frame of the mirror... or the mirror in general, Sonic realized he was looking at himself... only his other self was a darker, navy blue. His emerald eyes which usually reflected warmth of the hero, instead gazed back at him with the menacing stare of a hunter. Finally, a dark aura emanated from his entire being, almost taking the form of a physical gaseous substance.

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