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Hello, all my amazing readers.

Wow! Finally, an update after almost a full year and it's called "IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT." I know what that means. Yet another writer telling us their story about what they've been up to and how they've been. Yet another announcement that that writer can no longer continue the story anymore, that it's over, and all that waiting and suspense is abruptly over.

I want to tell you all that it'll be completely different from here on out but that would be a lie.

Yes, I've had a busy year, and my life will only get busier. Being a Pre-Med student really screws my free time but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

My little free time that I do get, I prefer to spend hanging out with my friends or just you know, doing my thing. But I do keep a few hours or so for solely myself.

I've spent the last year studying, meeting new people, and working on myself and I've haven't been happier. One thing that has stayed constant though has been my love for reading. I still read every day, and that won't ever change.

I was ready to be done with Wattpad and leave my story in the past. I didn't believe I'd be able to take the time out to give more to stories than I already do. For some reason today, I redownloaded Wattpad, and opened the app to 333 notifications. I read through each vote and comment and now here I am writing this announcement. It's hard to organize my thoughts because I'm speechless. I'm amazed with how many of you continue to read my stories and continue to support them and ask for more. I can't thank you guys enough! I never believed so many of you would read it and that it would come this far, even if it's not very far.

There's only one way I know that I can properly return the favor. I must continue this story.

Don't get your hopes up yet though, guys. As much as I want to continue this, it'll be tough with college and I still don't know if it's worth it. I really need your guys' support and presence. I need to know how many of you still want to read it. So here's the deal:

If you wish for me to continue this, please comment on this post, vote up, spread amongst other readers if you want. I will leave this announcement up for 2 weeks and come back to see how many of you there are. I won't tell you the minimum required to get me to do this, I'll simply come back and see how many of you want me to continue.

This isn't me giving you guys an ultimatum. This is me telling y'all that I appreciate you. That I want to give you guys a proper finish but I don't want to do it for no one to read it.

Anyway, I'll finish this announcement off by thanking you all once again! Go vote, comment, and spread the word! Hope you guys enjoy your Sunday/Super Bowl evening!

Quick note for those who skip the beginning:

I have not given up on this story yet

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