He's coming home!

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Dear Knothole Kingdom,

I've been gone for a long time and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry to the village of Knothole. I'm sorry to the Kingdom of Knothole. I'm sorry to King Acorn. I'm sorry to Princess Sally. I'm sorry to Vanilla and Cream. I'm sorry to Tails. I'm sorry to Uncle Chuck. I'm sorry to Manic, I would have been here sooner but I couldn't come after hearing your last terrible percussion solo. I'm sorry to Sonia. And I'm sorry to Amy. I had my reasons - I just couldn't handle running in such a small area. But it's fine, I don't blame anyone. But I will say that I've learned more about how to fight "evil" in my time gone than I could have ever learned from staying at home. I've been watching you all for the last 5 years, but now I think it's time I returned.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Amy read the letter over and over, more and more tears building up each time she read it. Finally after about a dozen times, the happy tears came out non-stop. Sonic was finally coming back... Her Sonic was finally coming back after 5 years. Amy knew she had to tell someone about the letter. No, she had to tell everyone about the letter. She dashed out towards town square, where she knew most of the Sonic Crew, as well as the majority of the Knothole people would be.

Tails sat at a picnic table, his hand clasped together with Cream's hand as they both watched at the hysterical sight of Manic stuffing his face full of junk food - a popular sight since the green hedgehog had become a star, as his sister looked on. The fox still couldn't believe it, only about 15 minutes ago, he had finally stopped stuttering and confessed his feelings to Cream, which he had found out held mutual feelings. Of course the two were still incredibly shy, the farthest they had gotten was blushing and holding hands.  Tails glanced at Cream and couldn't help staring at the cute bunny, a smile creeping up on his face. As Cream turned and noticed his stare, she giggled and blushed as he realized he had been caught and blushed himself. Tails looked back up to see Sally walking over to the group, giggling at Manic's antics as he tried to smile at her with the food in his mouth. Sally had gone through a rough time since Sonic left, blaming Amy for his absence and severing all ties of friendship with her, she started to hang out with Manic more since he reminded her of the blue hedgehog. The absence of their blue friend had affected all of them. Sally missed her crush, Cream missed her older brother-figure, Manic and Sonia missed their brother, Tails missed his idol-brother, and Amy missed her best friend. He couldn't say any of them was affected more than the others but if he had to, he would say Amy took it worse than any of them. He'd walked in on her crying on many nights with a picture of the two of them together. She was like a sister to him and he'd try his best to comfort her. Speaking of the pink hedgie, he heard the melodic voice of the girl yelling out as he saw her running towards them with a note in her hand.

As Amy reached the group, out of breath and gasping, she huffed out a few words that caught all of their attentions,

"Came home.... Note.... Sonic...."

Sally whipped around hearing that name as Amy caught her breath and explained how the note had been in her house and who it was from as she started to read it. When she was done... silence passed throughout the entire town square as their thoughts turned to the blue hedgehog. Finally, screams of excitement rung out throughout the square as people danced in joy about the return of the Knothole Pride. Amy turned to see Tails with a single happy tear as he yelled with excitement and hugged Cream. She saw how Sonia started crying as much as she had when she first read the letter and the bright sparkle that appeared in Manic's eyes at the news of hearing about the return of his brother. That sparkle didn't last long when Sally spoke,

"My Sonic is finally coming home!!!"

The Sonic Crew turned to her as she said that, some out of annoyance, some out of disbelief, and one out of heartbreak. Finally, one voice spoke up as the others listened, as she'd had enough.

"He's not your Sonic, Sally. So stop with this nonsense!" Amy yelled, trying her best not to show her inner emotions.

Sally scoffed before replying,

"Pfffft! Are you trying to say he's yours? I find this funny coming from the same girl who made him leave all those years ago." The pricky princess attitude was evident in her voice as it was obvious that she did not care who's feelings she hurt, judging from the tearful eyes of the Pink Rose and the hurt expression of the green rockstar.

"I can't believe I ever considered you my friend, Sally! You're the worst princess ever!" Amy yelled as she started to run towards the gate, not without hearing Sally's finishing statement,

"Oh please. Sonic will realize that only a princess of my stature is worth his time. After all, a prince must marry a princess, shouldn't he?"

Amy reached the Green Hill Gardens, making sure to keep as much distance between herself and the village as she could while still remain safe. As she sat down amongst the flowers, Sally's voice rang throughout her head. Was it true? Sonic was a prince so didn't that mean he would have to choose a princess? Could she and Sonic ever be happily together? While she was thinking, she never noticed the 2 groups of figures behind her until she felt a sharp edge press into her back.

"So much for being safe..." She thought as she turned around to see 2 dozen robots, each with its blaster aimed at her save for the one with his lance pressed against her back.

"You are under arrest by the order of Lord Robotnik! Surrender while you still can or face the consequences!" The robot with the lance "spoke" to her.

They all stood still for a few moments as Amy wondered what was happening until what looked like a hovering TV floated out in front of them before flickering on, revealing a fat, egg shaped man with a mischievous yet evil smile on his face.

"Greetings Miss Rose... I am Dr. Robotnik... but you shall know me as Lord Robotnik. You may be wondering how I know your name, the answer is more simple than you realize. Years ago, you were pressed for arrest in this same location, and in this same location, that annoying blue pest saved you. I know you know who he is, and I know that you know his secrets. Therefore, I will kidnap you, but do not worry... because we can make a deal. You tell me his secrets and weaknesses and I will allow you to live and be a maid in my castle. If not, I will allow my robots to torture the answers out of you and then kill you. The clock is ticking so think carefully! Have a nice -"

The man didn't get to finish his sentence as the TV was destroyed in a flash. Amy looked around to see a blue blur creating what looked almost like a funnel cloud around them as the robots and Amy were lifted into the air, immobilized. After the last one became airborne, the blur leapt into the air and dashed at each of them, destroying each of them in the process, before landing and running in the opposite direction of the funnel cloud, effectively stopping the tornado. As Amy began to fall, she closed her eyes and screamed. It wasn't long until she felt herself in warm hands, and when she opened her eyes and looked up, she felt a flood of emotions rush to her mind when she saw the emerald eyes of one hedgehog she had missed for the last 5 years.

"Sonikku..." Was all she could get out before the blue hedgehog closed the gap between them, capturing her lips with his own.

Yeaaaaaa so you guys remember when I said Sally wouldn't be bad in this story? Don't worry I'm still gonna go with that. She's just getting used to being a princess. And old crushes are hard to get over so give her a chance! Anyway... how bout that Taiream? 😏😏 I feel sorry for Manic though 😶 Hope y'all are enjoying the story!! See ya next chapter!! 😁😁

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