Sonic vs. Knuckles

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"Whaaaaaaa- Oh shoot!" Sonic jumped back, dodging a punch thrown by Knuckles. He quickly motioned his friends to step back, all of them retreating to watch the scuffle from afar. He looked back at Knuckles who's glare didn't seem to waver at all as he charged at Sonic again. Sonic kept dodging the punches as Knuckles rapidly threw them. As Knuckles threw another punch, Sonic jumped up and kicked the echidna back before landing back and looking at his opponent with a cocky grin.

"Knuckles, huh? Why you so upset, fella?"

Sonic's mocking tone only made Knuckles angrier as he suddenly made a quick jab, finally hitting his target as Sonic was thrown back. He got up, surprise on his face that his opponent had been able to hit him.

"I know all about you, Sonic the Hedgehog. I'll be the one to finally stop your evil deeds." Knuckles moved up towards Sonic again

"Evil deeds?" Sonic didn't get much time to ask his question as he was struck again by Knuckles. Once again thrown back into the rocky field next to the lake, he spit out some dirt and grit his teeth,

"Alright then, you wanna fight? Let's dance."

Sonic began to run back into the trees with Knuckles following him in hot pursuit.

"Sonic, wait for us!" Tails yelled as he watched the hedgehog run away. Much to the young foxes dismay, his 'brother' had not heard his call.


"STOP RUNNING AND FIGHT ME!!" Knuckles yelled as he smashed yet another tree that his enemy had just been standing on.

Sonic chuckled. "How am I supposed to fight you when you're so far away?"

Sonic kept taunting the echidna who kept trying to land a hit on him.

'I gotta hand it to this guy. He doesn't seem to tire at all after chasing so long.' Sonic kept looking back at Knuckles, waiting for the echidna to tire out. Fortunately for him, he noticed the echidna's strikes becoming sluggish. 'Did I curse him or what? Whatever, here's my chance.'

Sonic finally focused his thoughts on making an offensive as he waited for Knuckles next sluggish punch. As soon as Knuckles threw it, Sonic jumped up and came back down with blinding speed, kicking Knuckles back. He didn't get the outcome he had wanted as the echidna had only seemed to get angrier and had gotten back up. This time, Sonic didn't bother waiting for Knuckles to attack him as he spindashed straight at Knuckles.

Sonic continued to attack Knuckles without giving him a chance to recover. However, he was oblivious to the echidna's building anger. Finally, Knuckles had enough. He knew how Sonic attacked now and he waited until he heard the sound of the wind before he suddenly put out his palm and grabbed the hedgehog. Sonic looked at Knuckles wide-eyed as the echidna reared back his fist. Knuckles smirked at him before his fist made impact with Sonic's gut, sending the blue hedgehog flying.

"And he calls himself the fastest thing alive..."

"Next time Sonic tells me to wait here while he goes and fights, I'm gonna smash him with my hammer."

"I'll be right there to help ya, Amy."

"Don't forget me, girls."

"The more, the merrier, Sally. The more, the merrier"

Sonia, Amy, and Sally stood in a group grumbling together while Manic and Cream watched Tails flying up to get sight of Sonic.

"Any sign of either of them, Tails?"

"No sign at all, Manic. This jungle is too thick to see into. I do see some trees knocked down in the distance, could be where they are or were at."

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