Meet the Oracle

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"Who are you?" Sonic asked, holding a protective stance in front of Amy as he studied the old crocodile.

The robed elder smiled his toothy smile. He was happy... no, ecstatic. He had finally found his grandson-like figure. After a few seconds of studying the blue hedgehog's face, he responded back to said hedgehog.

"Young hedgehog, I am the Oracle of Delphius. Hailing from the Kingdom of Möbius." He finished that last part with pride in his voice, but it showed a hint of sadness as well.

Apparently, the name had caught Sonic and Amy's attention as well as they both began to ask questions.

"Wait... did you say Möbius kingdom?" Asked Sonic.

"The same Möbius Kingdom whose prince is Sonic?" Asked Amy, however, she quickly covered her mouth. How could she have uncovered that?! They didn't know this old guy. He could be working with the enemy.

As if the Oracle could read her mind, he smiled before telling her,

"Do not worry, child... you need not be weary of me. I am from that very same place. In fact, I served as your mother's advisor." He finished looking at Sonic.

Upon hearing about his mother, Sonic dropped his protective stance and his complexion became panicked.

"My mother? Where is she? Do you know what happened? How do you know me?" Sonic spewed out questions, desperately. The Oracle finally raised his hand in an effort to silence the blue hedgehog, who did so. While that went on, Amy made a mental note about Sonic's frantic behavior regarding his mother.

The Oracle responded calmly,

"Calm down, son. Calm down. Let me begin..."

Oracle monologue mode activated:

On that faithful day when the kingdom fell, I foretold the prophecy to your mother. I won't bother you with that again as I'm sure you're uncle has already told you. So when I told your mother, she immediately made the decision to send you and your siblings to safety, a plan which I was in favor of. However, problem was: there was no way to ensure that you all would be safe. So I placed a spell on you 3, which would allow me to watch over you for the first 13 years of your lives, until the spell would wear off. Sorry for the intrusion of your privacy but it was a necessary precaution requested by your mother. Anyway... after your mother sent you away, she went into hiding. Not even I know where she went. But don't worry, I'm sure she's fine, she's a smart girl. I'm sure she's still alive out there.

Monologue mode deactivated

Sonic's face was difficult to read: a mixture of relief and also discomfort (most likely from the knowledge of the Oracle watching him). Amy wasn't sure what to say so she simply slipped her hand into Sonic's and nuzzled his shoulder. Sonic briefly broke out of his thoughts and nuzzled her back, looking down at her sweet face. However, looking down at her brought back recent questions.

"Wait so what about that stuff with the water ghosts?" Sonic asked pointing back to the group of spirits behind him and Amy.

"The story behind that goes back to an ancient legend. The hedgehogs were always an elite race, but amongst them were two sacred classes: the pink and blue hedgehogs. The pink hedgehogs were known to fight for peace while the blue hedgehogs fought for justice. Problem was, the two hedgehog classes were known for their disagreements with each other, which is why a blue hedgehog never mated with a pink one. However, over a millennia ago, a legendary sage prophecized that one day a blue male and a pink female would finally overcome their class' differences and create an eternal bond that would light up the entire world." The Oracle responded, before looking at the couple and smiling at them.

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