The Master Emerald

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Knuckles and Sonic stood at the foot of the Master Emerald Shrine, shaking hands.

"Thanks for helping me out with that." Knuckles told Sonic.

Sonic grinned. "Hey, man! No problem! I'm always happy to help!" He gave Knuckles a thumbs-up.

"I never thought I'd ever need help protecting the Master Emerald." Knuckles looked down, ashamed of himself.

Sonic was puzzled for a moment before his ever-present grin reappeared.

"Knuckles... there ain't nothing wrong with needing help. There's nothing to be ashamed of. We're friends now and friends help each other!"

Knuckles let out a gruff sigh in embarrassment. He'd never needed help before. He'd always thought that he could take anything the island had to throw at him. Of course, he hadn't prepared for what could be thrown at him from the outside world.

The two fighters were broken out of their conversation by the roaring of an engine as they turned their heads to the side to see a familiar hover jet with 'Tornado' printed across its body.

"Sonic!!" Multiple voices rang out echoing the same name.

The jet landed, all of his friends climbing out... but not running over to him. Sonic noticed their injuries, knowing why they couldn't run over to hug him.

"Sonic, you okay??"

"You're alright, right bro?"

"I was worried about you, Sonic.."

The Sonic Crew spewed out their questions, making their own checks on Sonic to see if he was okay.

Sonic took a minute to make sure he could still hear with his ears before he zoomed up to the group quickly and picked Amy up bridal style, making sure she wouldn't have to walk with her injuries. The girl let out a tiny squeal and went quiet as she nuzzled Sonic's chest while he kissed her cheek.

"Guys! FELLAS! I'm okay... no scratches, nothin'! Sorry, I had to leave when y'all were hurt! I just had to help Knuckles over here get his Emerald back!"

Upon hearing that name, the group got quiet and Sonic could see as their gazes went from being focused on him to the battered Echidna behind him. He suddenly knew that even if they could run to hug Sonic, they wouldn't due to his proximity to the Echidna. Knuckles put his head down in guilt as he recalled the incident from earlier.

"Sonic... you do know what he did, right?" Sally asked him.

"He almost killed us."

Even though he had forgiven Knuckles, he was reminded of Amy's injuries. However, he knew that as a leader he would have to make an effort to alleviate the tension, Sonic stepped in between the Crew and Knuckles.

"Guys, guys... okay I know what he did to y'all... but you have to understand he was tricked into doing it. A certain someone told me to look at it from his point of view." Sonic snuck a glance at a smirking pink hedgehog in his arms. "He saved me when we were battling Robuttnik... I consider him a friend!"

It was silent as Sonic awaited the reactions of his friends.

Sonia, Cream, and Tails stepped forward first.

"Any friend of Sonic's is a friend of mine!" Tails exclaimed with a grin.

"I like what you did with your dreads, Mr. Knuckles!" Cream chirped in as well.

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