The Foreshadows of Trouble

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"Nice race Sonic!" Tails exclaimed as he ran up to the Champ along with the rest of the crew.

Over to the side was Antoine looking down with his bronze medal while Bunnie the Rabbit rubbed his back telling him how he tried his best. Sonic and Sally gave a quick, "Good race out there" out of good sportsmanship before running towards the group themselves.

As Tails high fived Sonic, the cobalt blue speedster smirked and gave a thumbs up as he said, "Was there any doubt in me?"

He looked on at his crew, stopping to smile at Amy who smiled back, waiting to see if anyone would raise their hand. It wasn't long before a green hand holding drumsticks was raised.

"No surprise that you'd doubt me, Manic!" Sonic yelled.

"How do you expect me to believe in you after all the chili dogs you've been eating lately?" Manic asked teasingly as he began to run away.

"GET BACK HERE MANIC!!" Yelled Sonic as he chased after him, leaving the group laughing hard at the brothers' antics.

Within minutes, Manic was tired as Sonic smacked him playfully. As they returned to the group, they once again began conversation.

"Now that that's over with... what are you guys thinking about doing with your day?" Asked Sonic.

"Sonic I was wondering if you wanted to play music with me at that park in-" Amy began before she was interrupted by Sally asking, "SONIC!!! I got a picnic ready for two!! Will you have a picnic with me at that park next to Green Hill?"

"I don't know Sally, Amy was asking me first so..." Sonic said as Sally's face lowered in sadness. Amy couldn't take Sally's sad face as she spoke up and said, "It's fine Sonic, we can hang out some other time, right?

"You sure, Ames?" He asked, worried about his friend. Upon hearing that name, she blushed as she replied,

"Of course, Sonic... Sally really wants to spend time with you. You wouldn't want to disappoint her now, would you?"

"Alright..." He looked over at Sally. "Pack your stuff Sally cuz we're heading to the park!"

The squirrel girl squealed as she pulled a basket seemingly out of no where and launched herself into the hedgehog's arms as he began to speed away. Amy watched on with a sad smile as she sighed. She dreamed of being carried in those arms the way Sally was, but her friend's happiness came first. Seeing their friend's sad face, Sonia and Cream intervened,

"C'mon, Amy! Let's go play in Green Hill! You've been wanting a more secluded place to practice your singing, haven't you?"

One of Amy's favorite things to do was sing and dance. And if it was while Sonia played her magical piano, or Sonic played his melodic guitar, then it was her favorite pastime in the world (besides being with Sonic, of course). She eagerly nodded as the girl's ran off towards the Zone. Manic and Tails watched them leave as they looked at each other with the same thought and asked at the same time while snickering,

"You want to go spy on Sonic while he's on his date with Sally?"

The two boys smirked mischievously at each other as they ran off towards the direction that the blue wind had rushed off to minutes ago. Finally, all that was left were Uncle Chuck, Vanilla the Rabbit, and Mayor Maximillian. Finding a good opportunity to have more adult conversations, they began immediately.

"Life's greater than ever right now, isn't it, Max?" Asked Chuck.

"Sure am loving it. The village is more peaceful than ever. Farms are coming along great. And best of all, Sally's wish to finally go on a date with Sonic just came true!" Maximillian replied.

Vanilla and Chuck frowned slightly after hearing that last part. They both knew about Amy and Sally's feelings for the boy. And they had both concluded who they thought belonged together a long time ago, after Chuck walked in on Amy and Sonic asleep in each other's arms, looking as happy as ever.

"Now, now, Mayor. With all due respect, I recall hearing this to be a simple OUTING, not a date. Unless Sonic called it a date as well, it wouldn't technically be one. Speaking of mutuality, it seemed as Sonic wanted to go with Amy instead." Answered Vanilla.

"That may be Miss Rabbit, but I believe that Sally will become successful in her attempts to get to the boy's heart." Replied the mayor.

They paused for a little bit, just watching the peace around them. Until Vanilla broke the silence.

"Have you ever wondered what happened to Sonic that made him so different? I mean... his speed... it's unreal." Asked Vanilla.

"That's an answer that only my sister could know... and chances of seeing her again are 1 to 100" answered Chuck.

Turning to Chuck, the mayor asked, "So when are you planning to tell them the truth of their origins?"

Vanilla patiently waited for his answer as Chuck took a moment before speaking, "I wanted to tell them next week, maybe the day after their 13th birthday."

As the adults conversed in the Village square, as Sally happily uncovered the food and other things she brought for her "date" with Sonic, as Cream, Sonia, and Amy played and sang in the Green Hill Gardens, no one noticed the small robotic fly hovering over to Green Hill Zone. Under the miniature robot's hide, was a small camera, which after getting view of the 3 girls, zoomed in as a malicious voice behind the camera spoke to himself while watching the girl's playing,

"3 more to turn for my army..."

Alright Sonally lovers, that's probably the most you're getting out of me. And it's about to start getting intense with these robot flies stalking the girls. By the way, here are character ages for clarification:

Sonic - 12 (almost 13)
Sonia (few mins younger than Sonic) - 12
Manic (few mins younger than Sonia) - 12
Amy - 11
Tails - 10
Sally - 11
Cream - 9
Vanilla - 26
Maximillian - 31
Uncle Chuck - 32

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