Sonic 3 and Knuckles

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"Ohhhh HO HO HO!!! What an idiot!"

On the floating Angel Island, stood the Master Emerald shrine, and on top of that stood the Master Emerald facing a large fat figure who was cackling and 2 smaller metallic ones right behind it. The cackling figure and his followers were none other than Robotnik and his two assistants, Orbot and Cubot.

"Right? Who would have thought that that Knuckles guy would be so gullible?" Cubot chuckled alongside the fat man.

"Indeed. Why would the great Knuckles Clan entrust the safety of the Master Emerald in the hands of such a fool?" Orbot chimed in from the other side of Robotnik.

Robotnik shook his head as he gazed upon the large jewel. Placing his gloved hand on it, he could feel the power radiating from it. Power that felt like it was trying to... repel him? He gave a moment to lose himself in the beauty of the Emerald before shaking his head and focusing.

"We're going to need to call in more Eggpawns. This thing is too large." Robotnik stated as he pulled out a small device and pressed some buttons.

Within 5 minutes, 2 dropships were overhead the group of 3 that was now growing into a larger pack as robots dropped from the dropships to surround the shrine. Robotnik struggled to move to the shrine so that he could grab their attention. When he finally reached there, he called out to the small army.


Unfortunately for him, no one heard as the chatter of so many robots drowned out the man's voice.


Once again, none of them heard as they started to wrestle each other and study the area around. Robotnik's face turned red as steam came out of his ears, he pulled a megaphone out and bellowed into it.


Finally they heard it, as all the robots immediately scrambled to their feet and got into lines. A few moments of silence followed as Robotnik facepalmed and murmured something along the lines of "how do I work with these things." Finally, he cleared his throats and spoke into the megaphone.

"Alright listen up, morons! We're standing on the shrine of the Master Emerald if you haven't noticed.... What we need to do is prepare this Emerald for transport back to Robotropolis. This is an integral part of my plans so don't screw this up, alright?"

The group of robots simultaneously nodded their heads. Robotnik nodded back before continuing,

"Alright, we have only one obstacle in our path and that is Sonic. Fortunately for us, that obstacle has been removed from our path by the very being that was supposed to protect this stone! Oh Ho Ho Ho!"

Robotnik couldn't help laughing as he recalled his manipulation of Knuckles into attacking Sonic. His army laughed along with their leader.

"Alright, enough laughing, let's get to work."

"That was a great speech there, Robuttnik!"

Robotnik and all the robots turned their heads to the trees where a blue hedgehog stood grinning at them.

"Sonic?! Why aren't you smothered into the ground?! AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!"

Sonic chuckled at Robotnik.

"I'm sorry things didn't go your way, Robuttnik... thing is, I like to live."

He made a face at Robotnik as the fat man's face began to turn red in anger.

"But to make things better for you, I brought you back a friend who I'm sure you're well acquainted with!"

As Sonic finished that statement, a red echidna jumped out of the trees and landed next to Sonic. Fists raised and rage clear on his face, Knuckles the Echidna sneered at Robotnik.

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