Mettle with Metal

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A body of sleek blue metal. A yellow circular depression in the chest of the body with a black center. In the same location on the back, a jet engine radiating with heat. Arms and legs made of silver metal, covered by blue metal plates. Two red feet that matched familiar red shoes. Yellow hands with black palms that extend into needle like fingers. A blue metal head with three fin like structures and "ears" leading down to a muzzle of silver metal with a needle-like nose. Finally, black sclera with blood red irises.

Sonic couldn't get his eyes off of it. It looked like him... specifically, a poor design of him. He could hear Manic's uncontrolled breathing as everyone was staring at the badnik, unable to believe their eyes. They would have kept staring for a while if it hadn't been for the all too familiar cackles of Robotnik.


Sonic finally broke out of his stupor with annoyance on his face.

"What's the big idea this time, Robotnik?"

The scientist jumped down from his Eggmobile.

"Hehehe! Hehehe! You fell for my trap! You came all the way out here and now you'll die here! Good job, Sonic!"

Sonic gritted his teeth, "What did you say?!"
And within moments, the hedgehog was dashing at Robotnik.

What no one noticed was the disappearance of the blue badnik until it was standing right in front of Robotnik, its pose as relaxed as ever. Sonic halted right in front, not believing that he could have missed something move in front of him like that.

"This is terrible! What is that thing?" Tails cried out.

Robotnik rested his hand on the blue badnik's "shoulder."

"I, Doctor Robotnik, scientist extraordinaire, have finally completed my greatest invention ever! A robot that is an exact copy of Sonic the Hedgehog!"

Tails and Knuckles jumped next to Sonic, anger in their eyes while their blue friend studied the badnik.

"That robot may look like him but it'll never be a match for the real Sonic!" Tails yelled at his scientist counterpart.

Robotnik chuckled, "Tails, this should be apparent to you! The treadmill which Sonic ran on to release my invention wasn't actually an ordinary treadmill! It was capturing Sonic's life data, along with cameras around the room, and transferring all the essential information to my creation! Now it's finally ready!!"

"What are you planning to do with a stupid fake Sonic robot anyway?" Sally asked, distaste in her voice.

Robotnik let out a loud cackle before smirking at the Mobians.

"I'm going to use my robot Sonic to destroy the real Sonic! Then, there will be no one to stop me from taking Möbius!"

The Sonic Team's eyes widened as they realized these implications, not of losing Möbius, but of losing Sonic.

"Hmmm... but what should I call him..."

Robotnik pondered for a minute before wearing his smirk all over again.

"How about... Hyper Metal Sonic!!"

Out of nowhere, cages dropped from the ceiling of the factory, trapping the Sonic Team except for Sonic and Sonia and Manic who rolled away from the cages in time.

"Sonic!!" Amy cried out, back in another prison after tasting freedom so recently. The blue hedgehog caught the afraid gaze of jade color.

"Release my friends now, Robotnik!" Sonic yelled, anger coursing through him.

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