Sonic the Hedgehog is back!

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"SONIC!!!" Amy exclaimed in pure joy as she launched herself at him from his own arms.

The blue one was clearly caught off guard when the the Pink Rose flew at him, tackling him to the ground. He chuckled as she squeezed him, however, his laughter didn't last long as he slowly felt the air being crushed out of his lungs. Amy kept hugging him fiercely, her face in his chest until he ferociously tapped her shoulders. When Amy looked up, she was greeted with the hilarious sight of Sonic's face, which was completely blue due to lack of air. She let him go as she started laughing uncontrollably as the hedgehog tried to replenish his lungs with oxygen. When he could finally breathe normally again, he couldn't help laughing along with Amy after seeing her pretty face scrunched up in laughter.

After a couple mins of laughing at each other, the two dusted themselves and stood up to face each other. Slowly they walked towards each other, holding each other in their arms as Sonic closed his eyes and pushed his head down to capture her lips again. Seconds into the motion, he was met with a stinging impact on his left cheek which sent him reeling backwards. Inspecting the area of impact, he noticed the red handprint on his face as he then looked at the Rose in front of him, who looked furious.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG I WAITED FOR YOU?!" She yelled at him, enraged as Sonic flinched.

"Uhhhhh... 5 years?" He answered, nervously.

"YOU SAY THAT LIKE IT'S NOTHING!!! YOU SAID YOU LEFT TO LEARN?! WELL GUESS WHAT MR. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG?! YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO'S LEARNED SOME NEW TRICKS!!!" As she finished that last statement, the pink hedgehog held her right hand out, causing a giant, yellow and red hammer to appear out of no where.

Sonic had no time to react as the girl swung her hammer at him, sending him flying across the field. Sonic had never felt more fear for himself in his life. This was worse than chili dogs at the bottom of the ocean. He could get Tails to get those out with one of his gadgets but an angry Amy? That was a force of nature that he could simply not mess with. He got up and ran, chased by the pink hedgehog wielding the hammer. As he looked behind him, despite the fear, he couldn't help but find the angry hedgehog to look awfully cute. He slowed down, letting Amy get closer to him but not catch him as she kept chasing him.

Eventually, Amy began to grow tired as she dropped the hammer and stopped running, her hands on her knees as she was panting. She looked up to see Sonic gone. Alarmed, she looked around to find nothing, no one else. That's when she heard chuckling, and she turned around to find the blue hedgehog standing there with his arms open. Amy wasted no time as she ran into his arms, throwing her arms around his torso, giving him a loving hug. He was finally here, with her. And she was finally home, in his arms. Sonic kissed the girl's forehead a few times, as she kept her face buried in his chest. Finally, she poked her head up, grabbed his face, and pulled him in for only their 3rd ever kiss. The addicting feeling returned, as the two were sent into the world of bliss that they could only share with each other. After they ran out of breath, Sonic rested his chin on Amy's head as the girl once again buried her face in his furry chest.

He felt complete, finally home with the girl of his dreams in his arms. He didn't have time to continue his thought as he suddenly heard soft crying. Looking down, he saw the tears were soaking his chest as Amy pulled away, looking up at him with puffy eyes.

"You won't leave me again, will you?" She asked, more tears threatening to drop.

Sonic smiled lovingly at her before kissing her forehead once again and replying,

"Never... you're stuck with me now. Forever. And even if you want me to leave, that sucks cuz I'm here with you for the rest of our lives now."

Amy's smile hadn't been as big in the last 5 years at it had been at that moment. The two held hands as they began to walk back to the village.

"Good, because I was getting tired of Sally talking about how you and her were 'soulmates'" Amy jokingly stated.

Sonic chuckled before replying,

"Well technically, no one knows if I have a girlfriend or not... so she could be right"

The punch he felt on his shoulder was not playful as he felt a slight soreness.

"Not funny, Sonic..." Amy told him through gritted teeth.

Sonic chuckled as he asked,

"What about you? I hope no one has tried to take my Rose away from me."

"Nopeeee. And even if they did, I'd never leave you ❤️" Amy responded, sweetly.

Sonic smiled before prompting a new topic,

"So about us... I think we can work" he spoke, teasingly as Amy smiled brightly at him.

"As long as I get to be your girlfriend..."

"As long as I get to be your boyfriend"

"Not cool, Sally" Sonia told the arrogant squirrel princess.

"Whaaaaat? She had it coming.... it's her fault for everything that's happened over the last 5 years." The squirrel replied back.

"I don't know... as much as I miss Sonic, I'd say the last 5 years have been pretty great. They've given us a chance to learn somethings about ourselves." Tails chipped in.

"Yea like I found out that Sally can be a major jerk." Sonia muttered.

Sally had had enough,

"Why do you hate me, Sonia? What have I ever done to you?!" She asked, angrily.

"First of all, you're always horrible to Amy for no apparent reason. Second, you act like you're above all of us. And third, you've always tried to take Sonic from Amy, even going far enough to blame her for him leaving so that everyone would hate her!!!" Sonia returned, equally furious.

"What do you mean for no reason?! That skank has been trying to distract Sonic from his obvious soulmate since we were kids! She deserves everything!" Sally retorted.

Before the arguing could continue, the crew heard screams and chanting of a familiar name.

Not long after, through the large crowd which had formed at Knothole square, out walked Amy Rose with her hand holding onto the arm of a familiar Blue Hedgehog. Sonic smiled, nervously at the crew, scared that their reactions would be anything like Amy's. He was tackled by Tails, Manic, and Cream.

"SONIC!!!" 3 voices rang out.




Sonic finally pushed the 3 off of him as he chuckled

"I know, I know... I missed you guys, too." He replied before turning to look at the remaining to members of the original Sonic Crew.

"Hey Sal! Hey Son-" Sonic was cut off as he was tackled by his sister who cried into his chest as she hugged him as fiercely as Amy had.

"Chaos?! Where do they get their hug strength from?!" Sonic pried his sister off before giving her a tight squeeze back.

"Hey, bro." She quietly said to him.

"Hey, sis... miss me?" He asked, teasingly.

The girl smacked him upside the head before hugging him again.

"More than you know... You better not leave us again." She spoke, looking up at her brother.

"Yup! I'm back! Sonic the Hedgehog is back! And I'm never leaving again! But before anything, I need to tell you guys something."

Sally moved up, eager to show Sonic how his future-wife had grown. But before she had a chance, she noticed the pink hedgehog move closer as Sonic took her hand in his own. Moving his arm to wrap around her waist, they all watched as the two hedgehogs shared a kiss in front of everyone at Knothole square.

"Amy and I are together now!" They spoke happily as everyone cheered, except for Sally.

That was the last straw. He left because of her and now he chose her over Sally?! This had gone too far. Time to bring this up to the blue hedgehog himself.

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