Chapter 12: Movie Marathon Anyone?

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It's been a week since Rose and Niall have become a couple. Just so you know(:

Rose's POV:

"And where do you think your going?" My stern mother asked me, tapping her foot on the ground with her arms folded, her one eyebrow raised higher than the other.

My parents returned home just the other day and it was, honestly, more fun when they were gone.

"Out" I simply said, grabbing a water bottle and heading for my keys in my purse.

"Looking for these?" My mother grinned evilly while holding up the ring of metallic objects.

My keys.

"Uh, can I have that? I kinda need it." I pleaded harshly, sticking out my palm to catch them.

My mom laughed, flung the keys in my direction and said, "have fun, don't forget to check in. Love you."

I wiped invisible sweat off my forehead and tossed my purse over my shoulder.
My phone rang loudly in my pocket as I was driving.

"What do you want Niall?" I sighed.
"Are you almost here?" He desperately asked. I can just imagine the blonde sitting impatiently, waiting for what felt like years for me to arrive at his flat.

"Almost. 5 more minutes." I said, making a right turn.
"Okay. Bye." The phone call ended and I set my cellular device on the dashboard of the car. Sooner than I thought, I was at Niall's home.
I rang the doorbell only once and before it could even end the few rings it normally gave off, a perky Niall wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh..uh..hi." I gasped for air, for Niall basically took out all of the oxygen in my lungs with his sudden bear hug.

"Can't...breathe..." I choked out and he immediately released, grasping my shoulders.

"I'm sorry.. Are you okay?" His eyes filled with concern and worry.
I chuckled. "I'm fine." To let him know that I really WAS fine, I kissed his cheek and walked inside.

I heard the quiet sound of the door closing and the pit-patter of two feet. I sat on the couch in the family room of my new boyfriend's flat.
"I like your house." I gleamed, scooting over to sit next to Niall.
"Thanks." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me on his lap, as well as resting his chin in the crook of my neck.

"So what do you wanna do?" I inquired, spinning my body around so I could play with his hair.

"How about we watch some movies?" He offered, now stroking my hair.
I nodded, agreeing.

"But I get to pick some out!" I advised, turning my attention to picking out movies on Netflix.

*20 minutes later*

"I got it! I chose some!" I announced, holding up the television remote and dancing a weird happy dance. Niall laughed that adorable laugh and questioned which ones we were going to watch.

"Elf is first." I smiled brightly and jumped up and down.

"How'd you know I loved that movie?" He smirked, grabbed my waist and pecked my lips softly.

"I dunno." I answered, biting my lip.

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