Chapter 38: I'd Love To

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Rose's POV:

"ROSE!" I heard Niall shout from upstairs.

"WHAT NIALL?" I yelled back, smiling at his actions. I love that boy, I really do. Time ticks by and Niall doesn't answer my question. I sprint up the steps, worried that he's hurt and that's the reason he didn't reply. "Niall? Niall, babe, where are you? Are you alright-" As I turned the corner to check the bedroom, Niall took hold of my waist and pressed his lips against mine.

"Don't worry, Rose. I'm okay." He mumbled as he pulled away.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I ordered with a shaky voice, holding onto him as tight as I could. "I thought you were hurt or something." I clung on for dear life. I felt the tremor of Niall's body; he was laughing. I let go of him and glared deep into his eyes. The blonde stared back, and his stare was so intense, that it felt like he was digging into my soul, his eyes daggers. We both burst out laughing and I ran the small distance back to Niall and kissed his lips tenderly.

"By the way, what did you want?" I asked, playing with the end of my sleeves on my hoodie. My eyes met his and butterflies flew into my stomach. I can't believe that still happens to me every time I look into his eyes, even after 3 years.

"I just wanted to ask you something." He teased, smirking.

"And what would that 'something' be?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"I'll ask you when we're both downstairs." He stated, gesturing to the staircase. I looked at the steps and back at him, steps, back at Niall.

"Okayy.." I gave in, eyeing my boyfriend. Who knows what he's up to these days?

I jogged the flight of stairs and sat on the couch. Minutes pass and Niall doesn't come down. I frown. He said he would come down soon but he's not down here yet. I sighed loudly, hoping Niall would hear me, feel bad about forgetting to come to me, and run down as fast as he could.

That didn't happen. I got up from my seat, guessing that I should probably make breakfast, both for Niall and I. I poured the pancake batter into the pan and waited patiently for it to cook. I swear, this took forever. When the one hotcake was cooked thoroughly, I slid it onto the spatula in my hand and placed it neatly on the medium-sized pile to my left. Another pancake was soon done, but when i went to set it down, the pancake plate wasn't there. It had disappeared. That only meant one thing.

Niall was downstairs.

I turned the heat down on the griddle and put the spatula in the sink. I swiftly checked around the downstairs part of the house for Niall, but I couldn't find him. I didn't risk whispering his name, because then he would run away from wherever he was and hide somewhere else. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to the kitchen. I grabbed another plate, but when I layed it on the counter, a sticky note was attached to it.

'Check out the dining room table, love. xx Niall' It read. I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion and headed towards the dining room to see what this Irish lad was up to. And I was pretty surprised he could come up with something like that.

The pancakes I had prepared were placed in few rows. Letters were visible on each of them and when they were put together, they spelled out a sentence. I strung the words together and got a question.

'Will you go on a date with me? xx Niall' the breakfast toppings translated.

"Niall?" I called out the band member's name. Like I wanted, Niall came out from his hiding spot, which was behind the table. I could see the anxiousness in his eyes, in the way he stood up. I smiled at the sight of him. He was now dressed in a fancy black suit with a red tie; my favorite color. Niall's hair was spiky with the obvious help of gel. From his plump, pink lips, to his fancy ensemble, he was absolutely handsome and sharp. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"So.. what do you say, Rose?" He says, taking a step closer. My breath hitched as my stomach turned, giving me butterflies again.

"I'd love to." I answered simply, jumping to him and kissing his lips gingerly.

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