7. Interview

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Let's talk love, Addie. We all know your last relationship was long term, and with another actor, within the marvel universe. But now, you're happily with your long time best friend, Grant Gustin, right?

Yes, yes I am. I'm happy to be with him. Be surrounded with someone positive and share solidarity with. He's a great person, and always have been, always will be.

How do you feel about marriage and kids?

Oh well, I'm. To start off, I guess, I love kids. I definitely see myself having kids and having a family. Which leads into marriage; I don't see myself getting married. Not because it's not my thing or anything like that. Because if you were to ask me this to myself five to ten years ago, which I'd be in my teen years, I would definitely say yes. Yes because of the image marriage gives off.

So, no. Why? Is it because pass experiences?

Yeah, no. And it is solely based on past experiences. But mainly because I feel like I don't need to prove or show off my love to anyone accept for my partner.


What's next?! We know CW premier is in a few weeks and you started filming for The Flash season 3 a few days ago Anything next?!

Yes actually! But I'm still in talks with it; and I have a deadline soon to confirm it with my manager and everything. But I will announce everything room, hopefully, in a month!

How excited are you for The Flash season 3?

I'm so excited! I can't wait for my character to come back, and the whole concept is great! Really really happy for October to come around in a couple months for people to see.


Do you ever see yourself become a model? Like a supermodel?

Oh no no. I model now, just because I have to, and because I support people in their photography art- but I don't love it, nor hate it. I just can't see myself ever having that full time job of being a model. It's not for me. I will stick with my passion of being an actress, as well as writing.


Sorry this sucks. I will go and back edit very soon. I just really wanted to give you guys something that I've been working on, but clearly not enough. It'll be better soon.

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