62. Call

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"Hi Lizzie."

"How are you? Are you okay?
Is grant taking care of you?!"

"He is, he is. He's taking me on
a mini vacation for me to relax
and for my birthday I missed the
other day. I'm actually getting
ready to pack- jusrcwwiting
for him to tell me where we're

"Aw good babes. I'm glad
you two are together. It's
meant to be."

"Want to hear something crazy?
Something that I'm very scared of..."

"Addie what?"

"Im pregnant."

"Addie- I'm so thrilled for
you! Grant knows right?"

"He found out before me, in the hospital."

"Have you two talked about it yet?"

"I want to talk to him about it
over our vacation."

"You know what you're
gonna say?"

"I'll let you know when I figure that out..."

"Is that why you called? You
doing okay with this news?"

"I don't know."

"Are you mad?"

"No, no."


"No, not even."

"That settles it then. Seems
like you're still a little bit
shocked. That's okay though.
I'm sure deep down you're
happy, and once you talk
with Grant about it, you'll find out."

"I love you, Liz. Thank you, for
everything. And thank you for
being there for Grant while I
was in the hospital. Everyone."

"Not a problem. Ever. I
love you, and I'll always be here
for both of you."

I finally found somewhere I can find to watch shows for free (but not legal lol) on an android is Showbox, so on my moms tablet, I'm finally watching season 3, the Flash!! I'm so excited but I'm so mad at flashpoint and everything and everyone.

rants +:
Can they please give Iris a better storyline then just being there and "helping Barry" like I love her but give her more things! She's badass

Can we stop giving shit to Barry about flashpoint- like Cisco please calm down

I'm on episode 5 or 6? And Julian I love him, but I highly think he's bad - DONT SPOIL IT PLS - also I HATE HIM lmao wanting Barry to quit? demanding him to? FUCK. Out of here, and cash me outside Julian.

but yeah, Barry telling cisco he's his best friend is so heartbreaking because Cisco was 100 percent honest with Barry saying I don't know about if they're okay or not...

I just love the writers to this show man

Ok let me stop talking now 😭

update: it's Thursday, and I just finished the episode after the Invasion! Episodes of TF, Legends & Arrow. It was great!!
Supergirl is the cutest and I'm looking forward for more her with Barry and Oliver 💗
My heart broke when I saw Barry go to the future and see Iris die... I'm not looking forward for future episodes and seasons...

Not Turning Back | G. Gustin 2 Where stories live. Discover now