119. Real Life

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Real Life
On Set: Addie

"CHRIS!" Addie yelled.

"Uh oh, what did you do?" Lizzie asked, as everyone hung out in Chris's trailer as they heard Addie's voice from outside.

"I, Chris Evans, did nothing." He smiled, as he grabbed his chest. "I didn't even get to see her at all yet!"

Both Anthony and Sebastian grabbed their chest, mocking Chris.

"Chris!" Addie walked in the trailer, ran and jumped onto the sitting Chris. "Oh brother!"

Chris and Addie laughed, as she hugged on tight. Their relationship was so strong- since she didn't have any siblings Chris (and even Anthony) were like older protective and annoying brothers she's never had. And with everything that went on in her life, they were always there.

"I miss you kid!" Chris squeezed her.

"Ugh, I miss you too." She laughed, as she pushed her way between him and Anthony.


"I missed you too, Choclatchino." Addie smiled, poking Anthony's dimples.

"Are we going out this weekend when we have a day off?" Lizzie asked. "I'm excited that you're back, Ads."

"Yes!" Chris yelled, startling everyone. "Fuck yeah we're all going out! I love us all."

"Easy there, Evans." Sebastian laughed.

"Yeah sure, why not?" Addie said. "But please, I don't want to get drunk. Or too drunk."

"Don't worry, you have us to help you down some shots and all that for you." Sebastian said.

Lizzie agreed. "I got you girl."

Addie laughed and went to go cuddle into Lizzie. "Guys I'm going to miss you all so much. This is ending for me soon. Just a few more months and I'm done."

"Hey! We still have press tour, premiers and interviews together." Chris furrowed his brows. "It's going to be more than just s few months. Especially since the movie is split into two parts."

"He's right." Sebastian said.

"You have at least a year with us again." Anthony spoke.

"You're right, but still." Addie sat up. "It's sad knowing I won't be apart of Marvel universe anymore and all of that."

"We know." Lizzie rubbed her back. "But it's not like we're leaving each other's life. We'll always be best of friends, family even."

"Yeah, any weddings or future children some of us have- that'll bring us back all together." Chris said.

"I love you guys." Addie smiled.

"Singer, Evans, Mackie! On set now!" A crew member called out.

"Better get going." Anthony said.

"Oh my god; are we shooting the scene where Addie and Anthony train together and then kiss?!" Addie laughed.

"Oh yeah I think so. Her character moved on from Bucky and noticed a bird." Chris joked.

"I still ship Bucky and her no matter what- BUT her and Sam are looking pretty good right now." Addie laughed, as they all exited the trailer.

Real Life
On Set: Grant

"Hey dude! Missed you." Candice said, handing him his very own coffee as they walked to set, getting ready to film some scenes for season 5 of the flash.

"I missed you too, C. Addie does too." He smiled. "She hasn't seen anyone else since her last day here."

"I wish her character could return someday. Even if Iris and Barry do get married, I still want him and her to get closure." Candice talked about the characters on the show, including Addie's character.

"Same here, it would be nice to have her back, even for just one day." Grant said. "But I think after she's done with filming Marvel movies, she'll be done with acting for sure- even if it is guest starring."

Candice nodded her head, feeling upset and happy for Addie. As the two reached the set of STAR labs, they got ready for quick makeup fixes, and re read lines to be assured.

"How is she?"

Grant smiled to himself. "She's good. We're good too."

"I'm very happy to here that." Candice said. "Did Tyler talk to you at all lately?"

"Not for a while, why what's up?"

Candice giggled and sipped her coffee. "Well... since we both live in LA, and we see sleepover eachothers houses a lot, and comes to see both of us in Vancouver, we figured it'll save us a lot if we move in together."

"No way," grant smiled. "Congrats, to both of you. "I'm happy for you and Ty."

"Well, thank you. And thanks to Addie since she's the once that forced us to hang out all the time." Candice said, getting ready to walk over behind a desk to start filming her scene.

"Addie gets anything she wants if she puts her time and effort into it." Grant laughed. "Make sure you call her, or shoot her a text. I know she'll be happy."

25 chapters left of this story :(

The last 5 are bonus chapters from never before published scenes/events that haven't been in the book, AND future chapters.

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