51. Real Life

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"You're going to have to be quiet." Grand whispered as they laughed, hiding in the back of Grant's trailer, as they were sneaking off to do you know what.

"I can't help it," she laughed. "You kissing my neck doesn't help."

"Don't you love that?" He smirked.

"I do, I do-"

Grant interrupted her with more soft kisses on cheek, then behind her ear and then made his way to her neck and chest. Addie moaned, and laughed, and Grant moaned as she tugged on his brown hair.

"Oh- fuck, I love you so much." Addie saiid.

"You're not just saying that, because-"

"Shut up." Addie laughed. "You know I love you."

"I love you more." Grant held her tightly.

"Prove it," Addie blushed. "Show me how much."

"I will. Just remember you have to be quiet." Grant said.

"I'll try."

This cute little chapter for today, since it's...

💟Happy Valentine's Day! Remember, you don't need a significant other to celebrate! You have your friends and family, and your pets! 💟

Harry Potter themed Valentine's Day cards & drawings are my life.

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